My gynecologist raped me?

My visits to a local gynecologist (male) are getting stranger and stranger. Just a week ago he stuck his penis into my vagina, claiming he be testing the durability of my vagina.

Was he raping me or is that an actual "gynecologist test"?

Ladies, can you clarify something for us men?

If you are relating the truth here, YES he was. He should be reported to the board of physicians and also the directive for this kind of practice. Now I ask, where on earth was the nurse. Now days when a lenient is naked, a nurse is other called surrounded by the room until the exam is over.

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LMAO!! that is a dumb quesion, logically he raped you. you need to move about and report him or have someone set up a disguised camera in his bureau in crust your story is not believed

Question from a girl?

this is a joke right?
but for, call a advocate, and a counselor and the american medical association

Women, is this normal?

he tap your tootie
and you paid him to do it
to be exact sorta like a double stick
isn't it?

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you should probably enlighten somebody or ask and see another gynecologist. It doesn't sound similar to a test because what would women gynecologists do to "test" vaginal duribility?

HPV inoculation?

how old are you?

no to be exact an actual test, i exam my girlfriend like that everynight.

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It is zilch but a pure RAPE. Complain to the nearest police and get that stupid locked up.

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call the police immediately, he needs arresting a.s.a.p a moment ago think he could be doing that to other women, also ask to revision gynecologist, maybe a womanly one, that way you will know for sure that this can never develop again

Period Confusion?

No. Please report against him, before he get far more dangerous. You enjoy to expose him.

Gross question but I own to ask!!?

no, thats NOT supposed to happen, jump to the police and file own the right to do that, he violated you and your wait another afternoon, the more time that goes by the smaller quantity likely the cops will believe your soon and talk to them

I hold a hairy stomach!and i'm a girl!?

no, this is not a trial ????????
call a rape crisis center,on what to?????draw from help info;
do it in a minute now !

you should hold told your parents & police;; to take a taste of his (dna);;;;;;;;;;if he used a condum you could use that as proof,with his dna still inside it; or they save an eye on him an put him in detention centre an pull his drs license

HELP! is something wrong near my mom?!?!?!?

Of course that's rape. Report him before it's too behind!! Go to the police now!

Can you totally cure?

That would be just about the time you let him surrounded by on why you're there. You own an STD. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!...

Prolapse Uterus & Future Pregnancies?

If this is a serious question, you inevitability to call the police.
If you're being silly, it's not funny.

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he stuck it surrounded by you, you paid him...sounds close to a high priced man whore to me & not a dr!!

How plentiful girls/women out there hold intentionally thrown up their meal(s) before?

hi! I be reading through the messages given to you and i was SHOCKED give or take a few how insensitive some people be. right now you must consistency extrememly violated. I am very sorry this happen to you. You need to contact someone who can relief you; his boss the police.. anyone! Don't let this appear to some other girl! Good luck and i hope this man never does this to another girl again!

Can you have precancerous cervical cell and not have HPV?

Wow, you get a penis stuck into your vagina...AND you lost our virginity at 34 years old and get a swollen testicle (check out this persons other questions).

Grow up! It's nation like you who construct it hard for family to get serious answers to their question.

Does anyone know how many birth control pills you enjoy to take to expiration your period precipitate?

nah girl he is defo dodgy!! i think you should share someone immidiatley!!

Missed pill..?

Right! People don't you ever read others questions when they come past its sell-by date the wall with some pointless thing approaching this it's a troll..... He/She posts as a man a woman and asks questions... pervert.

Irregular period. Serious answers please?

he raped you!! call the cops!!!!

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