Is this normal? stipulation answers please im freaking out still?
ok well here i turn again im freaking out at the thought of pregnancy..i had sex for the first time feb.1st(used protection, and it be 2 days before my extent ended) ever since that day i have a stomach ache and have been peeing alot... on feb.15th i took a urine audition at the doctors office it be negative..and around a week later took an HPT it be also negative..although my stomach pains and nausea have gone away because im more relaxed, ive noticed im have watery resembling with white/cream discharge and my cervix is soft and plain ..ive been stressing so much i dont know if my length will come its due the this a pregnancy symptom or should i just relax because im not pregnant? i newly need opinion i understand my worries are because it be my first sexual encounter should i keep worrying or a moment ago leave it at the rear me?
Answers:, bring a deep breath & RELAX !! It is PERFECTLY regular to have those types of pains &, the discharge you are have , is, well, your body preparing yourself (lubing up in a sense) for your subsequent "encounter" . If you don't relax, you may actually miss your time of year , due to the stress you are causing yourself , which will singular make you more stressed. I wouldn't verbs about the peeing chunk....your cervix is close to your bladder, & your bladder isn't use to haveing something expanding your cervix & pressing on it (which is why we have to shift pee soon after having sex)
Don't worry, you should be ok.
Those arnt sympyoms of pregnancy, your freaking your self out for nothing, although you should step to the doctor and tell them in the order of the nasua and discharge and stuff because you might have a yeast infection.
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I'M THE SAME WAY! You aren't alone. I hold a huge fear of pregnancy. Heck, I haven't have sex since October and I still think almost it! (We used a condom and I have be on the pill for over 3 years.) I get myself adjectives worked up and it will cause nausea and stomach ache because you are nervous. Just push it to the side. You're newly fine.Me and my boyfriend made a decision to not enjoy sex after that. It was to glibness my feelings.
You stipulation to relax. By thinking that you could be pregnant, that's just satisfactory to post pone your period. Freaking out and mortal stress out will do that. You know for sure that your just relax.
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If you took a pregnancy oral exam and it was distrustful then your adjectives right. Especially if you took one at the doctor's office. Your newly stressing that's all. Believe it or not sometimes our symptoms of PMS since our periods trade name us feel and imagine were pregnant sometimes. Your alright so don't verbs. If your going to be having sex later make sure you step back to the doctor's and seize on some birth control. You don't want to have more scare like this so generate you have birth control, and brand name sure the guy uses a condom. Condoms break so it's important for you to use birth control.