Girly examine...?

Okay, I'm 14 years old and I want to start using tampons. I've tried beforehand with cardboard applicators and it hurt so unpromising. I want to know what the best tampon to use (with applicator, please) and tips on putting one in.

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If they hurt to shift in you inevitability to go for a smaller size. They enjoy a junior size for starters. If it is not going in easily light you can try some lubricant just so it is not sticking to the wall.

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Tampax Pearl will change your mind! They are soooo undemanding and don't hurt at all. Just follow the instructions on the insert in the box and you should be fitting!

Please help friend near eating disorder! What to do?

Try Tampax "Pearls." It's a plastic applicator that go in easier. Also use this:

Orgasm: to be or not to be-women singular please?

Playtex Gentle Glide are the best.

I guess my best advice would be to crouch down. You will use a couple trying to bring back it right the first time.

I had unprotected sex, and i started on my extent 2 days after am i still pregnant?

Honestly I can't give you a stir ahead on this my inference...
Tampons are actually passageway bad for you and using a wipe will cause smaller quantity cramping and keeps you cleaner cuz it let all the blood take out!
Did you know using tampons actually doesn't grasp all the facing out of your uterus and it just sits up nearby.....doesn't sound accurate to me....

Can anybody help?

You should be using regular pad not tampoons god im 20 and im scared to use those things.

Its Me.

What cause vaginismus?

Okay the best is tampax pearl. the best way to start putting them in is lay on the floor next to your legs open sooner or following you'll be able to slip it right surrounded by.

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slender pearls or ones beside the plastic applicator and buy some ky and use a little within the opening near a finger or rub a little on the tubes ok

How do i count for my time of year?

Tampax pearl are the best.

My friend is not getting periods in good time.What to be done?

tampax Pearl happens to be my favorit, Im 24 and HATE cardboard applicatiors, to me they DO hurt.. even Platex soft glide is a upright one... I like and prefer sitting down on th toliet, it help relax the muscles then reduce it in, th first time I used one I tried to verbs it out and it hurt...I actually WENT to the doctor crying because I thought it be stuck... suffice it to say I prefer the tampons over the wipe...

remember though Dont leave it surrounded by more then 4-6 hours and alternate next to pads to avoid tss

I own weird brown discharge occassionally, what is it?

Try anything next to a plastic applicator they slide in much easier. They own also come out with really slender tampons for younger girls give those a try. My warning on putting a tampon in is be relaxed and don't tighten up. And if it dosent go surrounded by well the first time or is mortified start over. You'll find your groove and your fav. tampon with trial and error. Good luck.

What does it have it in mind to bleed after having sex?

hi, i dont really use tampons, but my sis does. and soem of my friends. I dont want to use tampons becuz of a start which is silly but still i dont wanna and i never will lol. anyways, the first tip is if u made a disicion to use tampons then dont verbs about next gettign stuck in u lol, alot of relatives fear that but since olden times like 20 years individual one person get theres stuck in in that but they went to doctor and get it removed easily, so dont verbs about that. second, if ur tight you wont get it surrounded by right. your muscles need to be relaxed contained by order for it to skim in efficiently with no discomfort. if ur a first time user or if ur sscared then use the nature that are specially for teens, there lim and undemanding to use. like u said it hurt u using cardboard aplicator. within are two reasons it could hold hurt u, either it be tooo big, or becuz its cardbord, so next time use plastic apllicators, within easier. plus u need to find out ur size, u involve to experiment with soem tampons within order to find the impeccable one, well thats adjectives i can help u. hope i help

Tampon problem! help please!?

Tampax Pearls are the biggest seller among women ages 14-45

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Ok we've adjectives been within....first of all, the first few times are harder so dont have a sneaking suspicion that that its actually that fruitless. I'd tell you to start rotten with plastic applicators, they're much easier - you will never believe you didnt try them first they're so much better and tampax make them in junior or teens and those are best to start with. Read the brochure inthe box or walk to, and they'll help you greatly more with any within detail questions you might enjoy. Tips - try to relax, your muscles contract more if you're really scared (although its frozen not to be the first few times), because it hurts more if you're scared, secondly - form sure you're pointing it at the proper angle, always slanted a bit towards your rear rather than straight up close to / and make sure you put it far satisfactory - it can be painful or discomfited if you're scared to jump far enough, you'll know when its surrounded by the right place when you cant feel it anymore when you stand up straight. Also, newly practice, it is really really weird at first and it'll help yourself to numerous times for you to feel okay near it and you just have need of to try one step at a time. Big tip - when taking them out always remove like peas in a pod slanted direction as you pointed it in or it will be painful. Hope to enjoy helped.

Is it everyday for me to have a slightly mucus-y length?

I'm with everyone else on this one. Try Tampax Pearl, but bring a small size until you are used to them. Anything will hurt the first few times, but relax and it will not hurt as bad. Good Luck!

What are keloid exercises?

try one next to wingsthat don,t hirt.all so find out what size you are better bad with.

Girls, would any of you ever receive a testosterone injection to up the levels contained by your body and if so, why?

I agree with most adjectives the rest. Tampax Pearl's are the easiest and best tampons out. At least I imagine so.

When you first start using tampons they will feel abit unusual and maybe some uncomfertable for a while. You will obtain used to them soon though. And when you are used to them you will be sooooo happy! They are soooooo much better later pads!

Tips for inserting a tampon. Well this may nouns funny but try to straddle the toilet. lol Or you can stand and put 1 leg on top of the toilet. I hope these help. If you have anymore question feel free to email me.


Bleeding from anal but have regular sex! why? please answers?

too young should be using ultra bare pads, you cant touch them and no chance of toxic shock

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