Hi sorry lads but girls why when ye procure your periods why does your stomach her so unpromising that u feel close to dying?

My stomach really hurts and i need some proposal on how to make the stomach-ache go away im at work and the twinge is unbelievable

Weigh enough, but no spell?

your stomach hurts because your uterus is contracting. when the blood vessels break because the inside layer of the wall of your uterus was human being prepared for pregnancy when the egg is not fertilized your lining sheds past its sell-by date the blood vessels break and the blood vessel contrisct. its a lot approaching having a contraction when your roughly speaking to deliver a baby but much much milder. your egg and the facing exits the body. in some bag you hold in hose weight which cause bloating and makes you look bigger than what you alread are. also your homones are un on the edge which causes mood swings. your hormone is call estrogen. it balances the feminine reproductive system. its in the pitutary gland i.e. in the brain. i own a couple of suggestions to ease your stomach-ache. drink plenty of water. do not put away greasy foods this increased pain and discomfot. i pilfer advil for my mentural cramps. i also suggested a hot rag to sit on it. or a heat pad. or clutch a hot bath. i hope you have a feeling better soon dear. take safekeeping

Boobs question?

take some agony killers. if its that desperate go to the doctors, in that may be another problem.

Females only!!?

you receive bloated and it's really painful b/c it's similar to extreme bloating. and our muscles down there hurt as all right too, and also women are verry senstive during their periods.

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Motrin is my favorite for that mode of pain. See if anyone around you have some tylenol or motrin. If not you can go out and carry some maybe at a break. Midol will also work economically. It's just cramps and near isn't a whole lot you can do except appropriate something to feel better!

Period problems?

Go to your doctor and go and get a prescription for some mefenamic acid. This is a analgesic which acts specifically on the uterus, and it also stops cramps by inhibiting in no doubt hormones. Painful periods are more potential if you pass out blood clots- the uterus cramps more to expel them.

Maybe pop to the chemist and win some co-codamol if you can't see your doctor straight away.

I think at hand is something wrong with my brain, please give support to!!?

I don't suffer to the same extent that it sounds approaching you do, but on the occasions that I take period dull pain (and yeah, it can really hurt), I generally run it rotten. Kills at first, but after a few minutes it wears stale altogether - definately worth the initial agony.


I just get my first period on May 25 and I havent gotten it again nonetheless..is it normal to not draw from it for tht long

Hi hunn if this is cramp youhave you can buy heat pad made especially buy tampon for these pains they are much better than pain killers please try them x

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