How do you ease term pains?

i get them realy discouraging and paracetamol doesn't make the frequent better. can anybody help by giving me some thinking to ease them?

What is cause this to happen?

Ibuprofen started 1-2 days previously your period starts. It's an anti inflammatory and cramps are cause by the swelling of the endometrium you need to give somebody a lift before your spell to reduce the inflammation run 600 mg 3 time a day 1-2 days earlier and 1-2 days after the start. also talk to your doctor roughly speaking birth control pills to see if they are right for you that can help also rule out other medical conditions such as endometriosis. Poly cystic ovary disease. chronic pelvic twinge etc. good luck

Hypothyroidism - how does it effect mood, libido and diet?

Have a hot tub , or do gentle exercise

Is it possible to verbs a muscle under your vanished breast?

a hot water bottle rested on your tummy nouns and some camomile tea

I am facialy defofmed malformed disfigured what can i do for plastic surgery?

A hot bath or a hot hose bottle

What is wrong with me?

a heat pad.. other works for me.. stick it on your lower stomach.. if they dont get better.. stir to the doctors.. and have them bequeath you some med. for it.. cause approaching me i have cis on my overies.. and they dont jump away and cause alot of dull pain.. but try th e heating wad

Is birth control effective the first hours of daylight you take it after your interval ends?

If you're looking for another med - ask your doc about Meclomen. It's an NSAID approaching Aleve or Advil but it does something extra. It reduces your flow. Less flow = smaller number pain. Could also be a sign of endometriosis, you could try taking a BCP but they're hit or miss.

Bust firming cream?


Sex formerly period?

Several things may aid. OTC anti-inflamatory such as motrin and aleve are great. Heating pad applied to tight areas also help your nerves to relax. If you try the anti-inflamatory meds you should start them a year before your throbbing begins for the best nouns.

Why am I so sensitive to birth control pills? What can I do?

sexxyy time. eat fruit, and dont assume about it. misery killers. procure the spray that nums **'s

I had surger for a swollen lymph node smaller amount then a year ago, and?

I dunno if this would give support to. I find Solphadeine Plus works well.

Period quiz?

Over the counter painkillers such as ibuprofen and paracetamol often serve. There are also painkilling tablets available that contain the drug, hyoscine (eg Feminax), that may relief prevent the muscle contractions. Moderate physical exercise can also be helpful for relieving aching, and may help prevent interval pain. Many women find a hot dampen bottle held to the abdomen or subsidise is comforting. Self-heating patches or warmness packs that can be warm in a microwave are a convenient alternative.
If these measures do not provide plenty relief, or if spell pains are interfering with day after day life, after it’s best to see a doctor. A doctor can usually diagnose period pains efficiently and several treatment options may be discussed.
These work by decreasing the level of prostaglandins. Examples include ibuprofen, naproxen and mefenamic acid. They relieve distress and can also decrease the amount of bleeding. They work best when taken regularly from the time when any pain or bleeding starts or the morning before a interval is due. These drugs are not suitable for everyone – for example, people near asthma or indigestion problems may not be able to appropriate them.
The combined oral contraceptive pill, which is the most widely used type of pill, prevents ovulation (the release of an egg). This may help to lessen period pains because the facing of the uterus remains thin and a reduced amount of prostaglandins build up. It is particularly adjectives if a woman also wants contraception.
Mirena is the brand term of a new type of intra-uterine contraceptive device (IUCD), or coil. It differs from other coils because it releases a form of the hormone progesterone (called levonorgestrel) into the uterus. This prevents the thicken of the lining of the uterus. In extra to providing contraception, some women find that their periods become much lighter inside three to six months of having the coil fitted. In a few cases the period stop altogether. As a result of this, many women find that they also experience smaller quantity period twinge. Sometimes the non-hormone releasing coils can cause or increase term pains.There is some evidence that taking thiamine (vitamin B1) or magnesium supplements can help dwindle period pains.
Transcutaneous electrical sassiness stimulation (TENS) is another alternative. This involves a small electrical device, which is taped to the lower put a bet on. It releases tiny electrical pulses that aim to "distract" the brain from experiencing pain from the nerves supplying the uterus. It’s most commonly used for employment pains. TENS machines are usually supplied by physiotherapists, but it’s also possible to buy or hire them from local health centre, high street chemists, hospital cramp clinics or branches of the National Childbirth Trust (NCT).
Some people find that acupuncture relieves in no doubt kinds of anguish, including period agony, but there is little unqualified scientific evidence to prove this.

Is it possible to stop breathing for a spell of time and come back to energy?

nurofin tablets and a nice hot water bottle,also you can capture tablets called femin x

Period! (ladies simply plz)?

Ibprofen sometimes helps me. Try drinking hot tea, using a heat compress on your stomach, yoga has help some women because it stretches the muscles (try the "child" pose:

How can a teen girl reverse her hormonal imbalance?

lillets warmness patches are great or a hot wet bottle or heat rub cream. raspberry fern tea is a good herbal remedy for contractions.
a gp can prescribe Ponstan but for some women it make it worse.
regular exercise with sit ups between period helps. walking can take the edge off the pain during the first few days. save fit and eat full-bodied.
cycling the week before help me.
the pain can also be psychological so try thinking what your attitude is to your time of year. think positive nearly it and it really does help. EFT is also

Im so stressed!?

have a look at this link
http://www.natural-progesterone-advisory... of which this an extract

Period problems
Women can have an assortment of kinds of problems beside their periods, including affliction, heavy bleeding, and skipped period. # # #

search the trellis for "natural progesterone period" and you will find several pages

You may wish to do the on string hormone tests at or

If as I suspect they recommend you get your hands on hormones please have a saliva interview done see or A saliva test will check out active hormones something that blood test do not.

If a hormone is suggested by the saliva test please thieve the dose suggested. Size 10 shoes are not twice as good if you enjoy size 5 feet.

The WHO (World Health Organisation) uses saliva test.

A transcript of a John Lee talk

I own transcribed John Lee's December 2002 & June 2003 talks

Any of these debate explain why for active hormone level a blood test is worthless. Blood test find hormones, but they are the ones on their way out of the body have done their work. They are not the active hormones.

I would rely on a saliva question paper to confirm the requirement for progesterone or any other hormones.

There is a list of doctors at who are aware of the benefits of fluent progesterone they may be more helpful than your GP. Maybe you are nearly to educate your GP beforehand using the hormones.

In countries other than the UK in attendance are doctors knowledgeable just about natural progesterone and other hormones

Natural progesterone vehicle natural to humans i.e. transposable to that produced by the human body.

For a good explanation of how fundamental natural progesterone is to humans see
and other page on this site

Wild yam is that Wild Yam the body will not convert it to progesterone. Also do not take fake/synthetic progesterone/progestins manufactured by the drug companies they will be of NO benefit.

After have done a saliva test any progesterone you buy must be automatic progesterone USP. USP means United States Pharmacopoeia.

If you skip to the finish of there is a apt summary -- 22 Susan Aschoff - St Petersburg Times Summary

When your hormone balance is restored you''ll be better

What could be wrong?

PAracetemol are rubbish too watery! try ibuprofen tablets, hot water bottle/warm tub. i get 'em too so my sympthathies! x

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