Ladies do u ever cry when your on your interval?

i'm having mine in a minute and im crying

D&C - Is it normal to bleed similar to this?

Oh my gosh, do I ever! It seems resembling the littlest things will set me off, and it's so ridiculous! The other hours of daylight, I took my doggie outside to go to the bathroom, and instead of going, he be just running around intake grass. I got so frustrated that I started crying. It be kind of mortifying, because I couldn't really explain myself. I hope you feel better soon!

Is 9 kids to much but i want more?

Usually earlier my period starts, I bring back my emotional interval. During my period I'm efficiently ticked off.

I requirement help near masturbating!?

nope it just pissed me rotten

I have other had yellowish vaginal discharge?

yes my wife suppose to do that. her mood wing like pendolum.

Is it true that a woman is fertile after pap smear exam?

yes..mood cry at everything even the new kitten litter commericals becuase of house cute they are...

Relax...own some chocolate and soda

Giiirls. .. PLEASE HELP! Important?

Personally, i never cry when I have my extent, but I know people who do...

Left breast feel "bruised"?

all of the time my period make me feel bleak about myself it's the devil

How can I downsize my bust size?

Not me personally, end in I am just not really that intense, but pretty much all other females I know do!

Extremely Gross but plz dont report?

No. I never cry while on my term however I do sometimes wish I didn't enjoy it. I sometimes like have it. serious I do not know anybody that does I've never actually wondered if empire cry on their periods you are the first character I have hear of that does cry on your period. Theres zilch wrong with that your probably jsut stimulating and hate it and will you did not have it. I lone know people who longing they didn't have it coz they dislike it.

Has anyone been on birth control, and hold it really mess with their systems.?

Yes...usually a lil until that time i get really emotional and massively starting to get hormones must be going bananas! And on my interval yeah i do cry...cuz its uncomfortable wearing clothes...and i grain bloated still sometimes and fat since i pigged out the week beforehand..ahh..i wish we didnt own to have period! Luckily tylenol and diuretics help a bit though...

Is in attendance any cure for streth marks? one's that enjoy been at hand for years?

sorry idk

I am going in water on my time of year!?

ya my question is back yours read it and yea ive found myslef crying over a french frie commercial lol but its totally normal to enjoy your period and cry its a constituent of PMS
pms is like mortal mad,hopeless and angry for no reason ya i mostly crave cast-offs foods

For women, how tall be when u were 14 and right presently, when did u stop growin, how tall are your parents?

Mood swings are middle-of-the-road when you're on your period. I don't cry, but I procure annoyed and ticked off amazingly very smoothly, over little things.

Have you ever heard of such a thingthree breast lumps developing in two weeks?

I want to cry because I know I'm getting yell at when the wife is on her period. VERY heated for us all. lol

So i have my period 6 days ago and it be normal and i freshly woke up with bleeding again?

Yes and it is majority, youre body is going through a cycle and cleansing. It makes you a bundle of nerves because of there is a metamorphosis in your hormones.
Queen Bee

Serious sound out about getting a breast lift up.?

You better believe I do, usually almost everyday before and sometimes during. I touch almost depressed and I cry about every single piece, even when it does not make sense.

Does the time differ for respectively woman to have an orgasm?

Been at hand, done that...
Hang in in attendance hotness =)
You're gonna be just fine.

And very soon, for a few unsolicited tips

I lay off the sugar and caffiene around this lovely time of the month (it seem to make me more susceptable to the crappy side of my emotions).

Oh! and did you know that raspberry branch tea makes your flow lighter and the duration SOOOOO much shorter.
That alone might breed you happy.

So be in motion on, go getchaself some tea, (you can find it merely about anywhere) and perceive better sweetheart.


How do i w if my hymen is broken or not yet ..? i am still a virgin?

I gain moody and snappy. Sometimes even cry because of how angry I am.

What does it mean if it burns during sexual intercourse?

lol, im a definate crier

This query is 4 gurls only!?

i cry raison d`??tre of cramps but im a ** on mine hehehe

What should I do about my 14 yo who have vaginal discharge?

I do thats how I know I'm getting mine.

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