Is it true that a woman is fertile after pap smear question paper?


Can we find out before our marriege that if we going 2 enjoy kids?

You are fertile during ovulation. The Pap test have nothing to do near it.

Bacterial Vaginitis/Vaginosis Won't Go Away?

A woman is fertile after she reaches puberty. A pap smear is irrelevant.

Is it true if you nick a whole week's worth of birth control (the pill),?

The pap smear does not affect fertility. The defence why is because when the dr takes the cell they are only taking it from the gap of the cervix. They don't go any further up unless the cervix is fully open such as like when they do a procedure call a D&C (a special kind of interview that is used for diagnostic-to find out what's wrong-purposes and other reasons). When this benign of test is done because the cervix remains amenable for a short time afterward is the probability of that someone can get pregnant awfully easily.

I hold to have a papsmear subsequent thursday and i am worried about is it gonna hurt?

I would definately read out no. Fertility is hormonal..

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