Is their a way i can stop cramping minus using pills to stop my period adjectives together?


My breasts have be tender and swollen for two months. i am not pregnent,what can it be plz?

On Oprah they said if you take motrin (or conceivably it was midol..hmmmm i suppose it's motrin) 3 days before you're supposed to start your time then you won't hold any cramps whatsoever!

Does this make it worse?

try birth control pills!! sometimes if u run a different pill from the pack they change ur length and sometimes you dont even have it!! otherwise they also engender it not so horrible!!

Itchy vagina?

The reason you cramp is because you enjoy blood clots trying to pass through your uterus, my bleak , typing and working at the same time. You entail to start taking a calcium pill as well as drink cranberry liquid the minute you think you are going to start. Drink it for the frist two days. The cranberry liquid helps skinny the clots so they pass and relieve cramping. Also if you press your tummy it also helps break down the clots. If you perceive a cramp coming on massage where on earth you feel it hurt. I used to enjoy to take birth control for my cramps but after 7 years I be sick of the pill. These really do work. I am not a fan of cranberry liquid but it works as well as midol. I kid you not it works. You will pee more commonly but better than cramping. I have have a child and pms and pains get worse, for me anyways. Check out webmd. There are adjectives kinds of remedies to try.

People influence shouldn't you be using deodrant somewhere else too? where wud u use deaodrant other than underarm?

I've hear that taking some kind of pill to stop nature function of ur menstrual cycle can lead to much more serious things. Try taking Midol or some OTC cramp/pain reliever. I also squeeze the area (my belly) when I bring back really bad cramps. A reheat shower also helps. Check out for more info.

After sex, what should you expect to develop to your body?

A week before your spell there are some things you can do. One is to avoid carbohydrates resembling candy and sugary snacks. Avoid chocolate. I know a lot of us crave it but it's really not well-mannered for you during this time. Stay active. This will kind your cycles less bumpy as well. If you can stand it pull the wool over your eyes in a unlit room with a heat pad on your stomach to make less burdensome the pain. Your stomach contracts next to cramps and this will help pacify them a bit. Also stay away from caffeine a week before. These are a short time ago a few things that you can do to help. Also if you don't mind taking twinge relief initiate to take it 2-3 days formerly your cycle starts so that it will be in your system and already be working when your cramps start. Hope this help and good luck.

Ummhuman FEMALE anatomy put somebody through the mill..?

That girl is out of her mind - period cramps own nothing to do beside your kidneys. It is your UTERUS cramping, trying to expell the lining. See your doctor to rule out medical conditions resembling endometriosis (where the uterus lining cell grow outside the uterus then try to "escape" but can't) or other conditions.

Mine are dibilitating, and sometimes Ibuprofen or Naproxen help, but not always. Every doctor I enjoy seen say that it is normal - this CANNOT possibly be conventional, curled up in the fetal position beside the pain radiating down both legs. Vicodin help - knocks me out so I can sleep through the twinge.

They say that cramps lessen after have a child. I wouldn't chance that as a cure, though.

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