Can u have a vaginal hysterectomy if u haven't have sex?

I am 24 and haven't had sex, but I involve to have my ovaries removed because of repeated chocolate cysts cause by entometriosis. Can u still have a vaginal hysterectomy if u haven't have sex?

Help me please!?

Yes you can have a vaginal hysterectomy even if you are a virgin
They will enjoy to remove your hymen. So that's obviously a bonus for you as it sounds silence painful.
Your Doctor may exceedingly well enjoy taken this into consideration when choosing the way contained by which to do the hysterectomy.

Your recovery time and hospital stay will also be seriously quicker through this way as they are not doing a key abdominal incision. There is also a lot smaller amount risk of infection.

My friend is bullemic/aneroxic how can i help her?

i dont see how they can thieve it out that way, they didnt for me, and i have had a child.

Ugh, What do you think this could be?

doctors can surgically remove the hymen. infact, I don't know why they don't do that to girls at birth similar to they circumcise boys.. hymens only explanation problems down the road, they don't serve any useful purpose.

How can i lose freight easily?!?!?

Having sex does not affect whether or not you can own the hysterectomy. The doctors will do what is best for you.

Help please in puberty and bras?

yes - this is simply a way of doing the surgery.

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