Problem with a nurse at my Dr.'s organization, need guidance please?

I'm 8 months pregnant, but I've only be seeing this Dr. for the last 4 months. I lost my career and health insurance in February and done up on medicaid. The nurse at this Dr.'s office treats me different from the other patients and I believe it's because of the insurance I own. She isn't friendly to me, she is with the others, she doesn't smile at me, does the others, she's rude and treats me close to I'm bothering her and just a nonspecific waste of her time. I own an appt. tomorrow and I'm thinking of talking to her roughly it but I don't really know what to say short just going past its sell-by date and yelling. The Dr. isn't any different, he's a rude convulse too. I only hold a month left and don't really want to metamorphose Dr.'s again, but I also dread my appointments and dealing with her. I've see her chit chat and be friendly to everyone but me and it's been going on for 4 months so it's not a short time ago my imagination. I'm fed up next to her attitude towards me, any advice on how to bar the situation?

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Whether you are on Medicaid or not, everyone deserves to be treated beside the same respect at adjectives times. I wouldn't confront her, I would go over her organizer and your Dr.'s head as capably. Problem though is you have to do it after the birth of your babe-in-arms.

Now if you are going to change to another physician, do it right away. First stale, do you want some rude jerk deliver your baby? You should check next to your Social Worker and find out what OB physicians are available to you. Try and find one.

Then, you write a letter to the Insurance Commission within your state and send copies of it to Medicaid, Social Services and the American Medical Association. Believe me, he is not going to want his entitle and reputation smeared on that board as a unprofessional physician. I would also send a communication to his office staff and his nurse stating why you not here the practice and how it made you feel. I'm sure it feel crummy! I've been put through indistinguishable crap myself and it's not a good attitude, especially when you are pregnant. My first husband dropped me off our insurance right after I found out I be pregnant. I had to grasp Medicaid and was treated similar to dirt.

It also helps to write a message to the editorial section of your local daily so word gets out that his practice stinks!
And transport a copy of your insurance letter to your state Senator. You are self treated unfairly and I don't devise you should continue near him. If he has a bleak attitude because he isn't going to make big bucks human being your OB, then you don't have need of him, suppose that attitude carries over into the transfer room and a moment that is intended to be special turns into total embarrassment because he's stupid!

This is a time surrounded by your life where on earth you should be treated kindly, and compassionately. Please don't allow this to verbs because every Medicaid patient they catch in that department is going to be treated as bad as you own been. You don't own to send correspondence out until after you have the babe, but I would send hem. I enjoy done it to Dr.'s before for other things and believe me the sqeaky controls does get the grease!! I have also changed OB surrounded by my eighth month before as ably. Take care!

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I would just come right out and respectfully ask her why she treats you differently.

You could right to be heard something like, "You seem to be to treat me differently than you treat other patients, have I done something to slight you?"

Believe me when I tell you... she will monitor her attitude from then on.

IS it NORMAL or I don`t know CANCER?

Just be curt right back. If you read out something about it you could risk sounding similar to a paranoid fool. Be snippy with them and consequently forget all roughly it after you leave the building.

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i enunciate change doctors! even though you said you don't want to - if these are the relations that are going to be there when you enjoy your baby... i can't envisage that would be the magical experience that it's supposed to be. tell them that if they want to maintain all of their patients they better start treating them better. i loathed my doctor too.

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I'm so sorry that you are human being treated in this attitude. Having medicaid doesn't make one a slighter person, and I can`t stand the possibility of the nurse's treatment of you being due to that sort of item.

You need to speak to the organization manager. You should be treated respectfully, regardless of your finances.

I choice you all the best, I hope that the rest of the pgcy go rather suddenly for you and that you needn't deal beside rudeness for too much longer. If by chance nought changes, I would really consider making a switch. I realize that you are far along, but you entail to be comfortable with your prenatal trouble.

Can you feel your time of year?

You only enjoy 2 more months to go, afterwards you can find another doctor. They shouldn't be treating you any different than their other clients. In fact, they shouldn't be dealing near any of the insurance or billing aspects of the job, any.

Ask if you can have a different nurse because you discern uncomfortable around her. Maybe if the nurse isn't here acting like a b*tch, the doc will shape up a bit and be nicer to you.

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This is your OB we're talking give or take a few, isn't it?
It doesn't matter if you solely have a month or so left-you don't want to hold a bad birthing experience, do you?
The certainty that even the doctor is a jerk is a righteous enough rationale to change!
You should know how to trust and see eye to eye with your doctor.
Giving birth, although superb, is a hard position. You don't want a total @sshole making the experience terrible!
Ask around for a bright doctor.
If you stay and have this go into spasm deliver your baby, you'll regret it.
And his b**hy nurse merely adds more unnecessary stress to your exquisite condition.
I once switched family physicians because his secretary be a total nasty b*tch!
You're powerfully being is much more far-reaching.
You are not obligated to put up with that crap.
Do it for yourself and your kid.


In regards to Claire's response: Everybody is different! Some those are nasty by make-up! Those will just snap right backbone again-not coil back and suddenly become nice! It's observable hat nurse is doing it intentionally. Give me a break, Claire!

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