Please someone! i need the give a hand too!?

I was purely prescribed medication for vaginitis 3 days ago. Starting yesterday I had a burning sensation when i urinate. very well it is still here and im wondering if its a side effect of the medication or what? I also started my period and it is unusually bulky. I had sex 6 days ago, and could this be symptoms of an std or only just side effects of the medication? Thanks!

Whats a yeast infection?

Burning on urination is usually a sign of a urinary tract infection. Bacteria could have spread within from your vaginitis. Contact your doctor, she may want to change your antibiotic. In the meantime, drink lots of cranberry liquid!

Serious question.. grow answers only, appreciation?

call the doctor who prescribed the med and ask.

For Girls, Is first time sex unbearable?

Vaginitis is described medically as an irritation and/or inflammation of the vagina.

Vaginitis is a fundamentally common disease affecting millions of women respectively year. The three most common vaginal infections are bacterial vaginosis (BV), candida vaginitis (yeast infection) and trichomonas vaginitis (“trich").

What is the difference between the three types of vaginitis?

Bacterial - infection is cause when healthy vaginal organisms are replaced by damaging bacteria. It is referred to as bacterial vaginosis and is the most adjectives type of vaginitis.

Yeast - infection is called candidiasis. It is cause by a fungus and is the second most common type of vaginitis.

Protozoan - infection is call trichomoniasis and it is considered a sexually transmitted disease (STD). It is the least adjectives and comprises 3 percent to 5 percent of all vaginitis infections.

What are the signs or symptoms of vaginitis?

Vaginal infections can produce different symptoms, such as abnormal or increased discharge, itching, fishy odor, irritation, stinging urination or vaginal bleeding.

So the symptoms of burning sensation is related to your vaginitis. You have to address vaginitis ; or you would hold the following complications: esp from bacterial vaginosis.

If left untreated, BV may result surrounded by increased risk of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), infertility, pre-term birth, premature rupture of membranes, low birth weight, intra-amniotic infections, endometritis, cervical intra-epithelial neoplasia (CIN), post-gynecological surgery infections and increased risk of sexually transmitted diseases.

It's a prudent choice to restrain yourself from sex at this time to prevent complications and further discomfort.

In the past, I suffered from urinary tract infections.(UTI). I have dysuria or painful urination. I also have hematuria or bloody urine. The doctor prescribed the antibiotic of Septra for me. I didn't know I was allergic to sulfas. My allergic sensitivity was fatigue, drug reckless all over my body and a soaring fever which I can't bring down next to Tylenol.

So the burning sensation you have is because of the vaginitis. And not from the med. In most possibility, your vaginitis is caused by a bacterial infection. Normally, lactobacillus; a appropriate bacteia; is present in the full-bodied vagina. This keeps the vagina slightly acidic- to muffle the growth of potentially harmful organisms.

Or it might even be cause by a fungus or yeast infection. I don't think it's a form of STD. It can also be cause by allergies, and hormonal changes.and irritation. Vaginitis can be paid coitus quite bloody. So try to refrain from sex for awhile until the infection clears up.

I own heard using a Tampon dosen't hurt. But every time I use one it hurts. Why is this.?

I have vaginitis a few years ago and it did not hurt at all. I don't give attention to it's supposed to. However, I did get a UTI while human being treated so you might have a urninary tract infection. Those are VERY adjectives, especially in females! If urinating burns, appropriate some over the counter medicine call AZO, it stops the burning (and turns your urine orange.) You should still stir to the doctor to see if you have a UTI, because if you do, you stipulation prescribed antibiotics to get rid of it. The AZO simply helps the burning.

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