I am losing substance very quickly and i'm kinda worried?

I am a 21 yr old womanly i stand at about 5'3 and am immediately 185lbs but a couple of weeks ago i was 195 and im simply a little worried and want to breed sure this isn't a sign of illness. The one and only thing i own been experiencing is some breast soreness and rather nausea here and there and i seize kinda tired in the evening time i dont kno if that has anything to do beside it but anyway.i play tennis for about 1-1 1/2 hours a few days out of the week but i havent played that much just this minute and i dont really eat that much any but at times my appetite picks up. At first i thought i was pregnant but i started losing solidity so now i dont know what to feel about that, but if anyone can give support to me it will be greatly appreciated thank you and God Bless

Thanks In Advance!

I haven`t had a time in 3 years and presently I have started a interval a couple of days ago.?

I would see a doctor. If you did not just start a diet and/or exercise program, something could be wrong.

However if you purely did start a program this amount of weight loss is conventional.

Either way you necessitate to see your doctor.(because when you start an exercise program your doctor should know)

Calling all the girls!!?

You are way overweighted. And if you are trying to lose weight, after there is no problem in that.

Still getting period similar to cramps?


Is it possible for teenagers to PMS?

Ask a doctor... your going to get the best answers.

Good luck and I hope your fine!

OBGYN interview?

Take a pregnancy test, it is a possibility.

Go to your doctor if that isn't the defence.

Good luck! =)

Irregular period, requirement help!?

Take a pregnancy oral exam.
If it is negative, make available your doctor a call.

Good luck and consistency better soon.

What are the signs of a pregnant labrador?

you're having a reverse kid...

either that or you could in recent times be losing weight... don't verbs about it it's probably a moment ago breast cancer, and everyone is bound to get it.

Painfull lump underneath my left armpit, oblige?

The only entry we could give you is a best guess... instinctively, I think you really entail to go to the doctor.

I hold pcos (poly cystic ovarian syndrome) and i am about 30lbs over cargo?

well, if you appetite has decrease, and you are feeling naseauted and such, you could possibly be pregnant. some woman lose shipment before they start to gain. you might want to appropriate a test a moment ago to be 100% - if that comes back unenthusiastic i'd go see your doctor. express your concerns, plus they can other to a blood pregnancy test explicitly much more accurate than the reg. urine tests!

hope you find out what is going on - wish you the best of luck!

How can a girl know that her hymen is ruptured??

If anything go go and get blood work done to have your thyroid checked.

Curious almost Cyst!!?

As long as your eating and your getting an appointment next to the doctor you should be fine. Don't worry. It also might be stress. Overloaded? You might skip a lunchtime or to and drop some pounds. I hope I helped!

Period and emotion?

Losing weight can crop up simply because you are worried or because you are exercising more than previously.

If you think you may be pregnant and that this is cause your weight loss, I recommend an otc pregnancy audition.

If you continue to lose shipment, and you aren't pregnant, see a doctor, maybe you picked up a tapeworm?

Keeping my pubic mane?

You can actually lose immensity during the first trimester of pregnancy. Did you just start exercising? That can also be the point. If I were you, I would see my Dr.

Help from Diva Cup users!! Am I doing it wrong?

A hyper alive thyroid can cause sudden, dramatic solidity loss. It is a simple blood test.

I can;t chomp through or sleep?

You could be pregnant..take a question paper. Before you said that I thought she may be pregnant.
If not still go to your doctor and achieve looked at.you never know. The tennis may help you lose immensity...if so..good for you. But do walk to the doctor.

Breastfeeding and birth control?

I lost a little bit of wieght when i be first pregnant but not 10 pnds
my suggestion (from expiernce) is Go to your docotor and tell them you want checked for Thyroid disorders
I enjoy Graves disease(enlarged thyroid) when i 1st got sick i lost bulk rappidly i went from abt 230 to 180-185 within less next a month!
I hardly ate anything to this daylight i normally merely eat dinner if i'm lucky i'll munch through lunch i am always tired no business how much i sleep and i sleep ALOT i can go to bed at 10pm seize up at 10 am and be right back to sleep by lunchtime and sleep till 4-5pm or later if not a soul wakes me up(its not too much sleep i'm getting any my grandma told my parents when i was contained by gradeschool to get me to a doctor i have a sleeping disorder i'd fall asleep at a drop of a dime and not even "get the impression tired")
I was especially sick i couldnt hold NOthing down i thought i had the flu, till i get to the Er and they started testing me and taking my blood and pulled my dad out of the room to communicate "privatly"i knew it be bad right later and there
They told my dad if i would of waited a new day (which i didnt want to jump to the E.R my dad litterly drug me out of the house) that some one would of found me DEAD - and at that time both my kids slept in my bed near me - so it would of been them who found me
So please Get the test done It's just usual blood work they one tube of blood out of my arm, every time i go see my thyroid specialist for my check ups because the stuff they've already tried isnt working but they want to furnish it a few more months before they established to remove my thyroid surgerically

Really iregular please help!!!!?

Get a pregnancy try-out just within case. First of adjectives you should eat a moment or two more if you are exercising daily. Make sure you win enough of what you requirement. There is usually nothing wrong beside losing a little, but if you verbs to lose so rapidly see your doctor.

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Yes near is a possibility that you can be pregnant. I would go to the doctor and hold a complete blood work up and a physical. It is okay that you are losing the weight. I reason that you should do it with the right kind of fruits and vegetables and cut out the sodas. Please go to your doctor and own that physical because the sooner you go the sooner you will know what the problem is and the doctor is the one that will assist you through this. Good Luck!

Can you have a tubal ligation right after intuitive childbirth?

I think that you should bid your doctor if you are really worried. no one who is on will know how to check out your body and hormone levels and such. jump see your doctor!

Ever since I got surgery on my cervix its approaching i have gotten my sex drive posterior?

you may have a thyriod problem dance to the doc asap or it can be your sugar you need to see your doc really soon any of these problem can be tight-fisted life or loss

Hi, i am anitaiam 33 yrs , i have water down hair & i am going smooth on top , i want to grow faster thik and long hair , pl?

maybe you're pregnant, maybe not. i'd definately move about to the doc asap. one of my family member had these symptoms and she turned out to own cancer. weight loss, nausea, vomitting, tired/weak be all some of her symptoms.

pray on it. God Bless

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