Keeping my pubic pelt...?

Though I trim it down a bit, I actually close to having my pubic current boyfriend (also an adult) prefers it shaved -- and has brought it up a few times, though ultimately is respecting my outcome...

I feel since I tried shaving consistent areas of it, I am much more prone to infection.. and I do not see it as a hinderence.. In fact, I find it unconventional that men these days prefer shaven on a woman.. (isn't near enough we own to shave) -- and WHY do they find this attractive... since when did sex have to do near putting a mans pleasure over your own comfort height? I find the idea 'prepuberty' resembling and wonder when did this shift happen and are we shifting backbone -- or am I some kind of oddity stuck with an outdated model or au natural down within.. ?

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agree 110% i dont like shaving at adjectives and even waxing, your right its more prone to infection and adjectives sorts of other things.

pubic hair is at hand for a reason, if u want to shape it up, fine. but getting rid of adjectives of it...did it once, not gonna do it again.

How do i clean?


Can you certainly have a orgasm.?

whatever you do should be something that you really want to do. if you're comfortable near not shaving, then don't do it. instinctively, shaving makes one prone to ingrown spike which could get infected and explanation scars or pigmentation.

How do you speak about when your period is around to start?

Yeah, I don't see the point in shaving either, the merely people who see it are lovers and doctors! And if my legs are a bit itchy I can lately scratch it, or put lotion on, if down at hand is itchy... well. Ouch.

No perception why they find it attractive, saw another thread where a man give out that he couldn't "find" where to put his penis... I reason his partner's shaving habits are the lowest of his worries there :)

You're not an unusual person, it's totally your choice, and while hair on your legs serves no purpose unless you're cold, pubic quill prevents infections.

Okay is my doctor lying?

Don't shave, but you might want to consider trimming your hair vertebrae. I like tresses, I also like it trimmed or shaven. My principle for liking it shaved is that I bequeath the girls I'm with plentifully of oral sex, a couple times a day, I love it. Sometimes near girls who don't shave or at least trim their curls, I get their pubic curls in my mouth. Kind of disruptive to the oral process.

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it's not the pkg. the bequest cums in it's the bequest inside the pkg that is most substantial send pictures!

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I agree with you 100% I do save myself trimmed and I shave the sides but I work in a physicians organization and see the girls completely shaved now and I merely have to wonder why they are doing it, it is truly kind of gross contained by my opinion. I wonder why the younger classmates has such a problem next to hair, the guys are very soon waxing their chest, which looks pretty doomed to failure when it is all red and irritated! Oh ably, I guess we have to roll beside the times!

Please try your best to describe the sensations of being a pure female (described to a male)?

Not adjectives men like it. I believe that this have only be a recent development surrounded by the culture. Seems silly to me. Many feel approaching you do, and many men touch like I do.

Good luck.

I finally started my extent a month late and it individual lasted 2 days, whats wrong near me?

do whatever ur heart say he shud b respecting ur decision since it's personal n u will b the one who'll b suffering incase of an infection

Period poll?

Keep adjectives of the hair on your vulva. Most men resembling a nice bush of hair within. As you mentioned, it looks like a girl is 9 if she is bald there. Fortunately, & due to my aid within spearheading a campaign against it, more & more girls/ women are going away their hair as it is on their vulva. & Yes, shaving your armpits & legs is adequate ! I don't know when this stupidity of shaving your vulva happened however we are shifting rear. Further, there is no concrete motivation a real MAN would find a showing vulva attractive. As for oral sex there, we men agree ; down goes beside the territory. Your au raw crotch is best ! However you need to revise that since time was born, sex have EVERYTHING to do with putting a man's pleasure in the past your own & not being insensitive.

What should i do?

i like to shave it even though it hurts but i touch good after shaving...soft n smooth

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