Still getting period resembling cramps?

Just so you know I had a missed miscarriage 7wks ago next to two d&c's within contained by week b/c they missed it the 1st time. Bleeding up until over a week ago, all clear on infection, but a pelvis scan showed x2 small 2cm lots still in my womb. Gyna doc said this may dissapear with ease?Been getting period resembling cramps with the extraordinary stabbing pain and be aware of lifeless no hallucination tho. I am booked in for 3wks time for a larascopy but is this basic? Should I have a scan 1st and request it up to that time being investigated? I cant keep hold of taking codine to calm the distress in my lower tum down but I dont know what i should do for the best? I start backbone at work end of week after 6wks rotten to see how I go, but this nagging smarting is driving me mad. Can anyone comfort me with sensible direction or have duplicate thing.

Is near really a "stage" in every women's energy where they call for extra boyfriend says im contained by it .

The NHS at thier very best!!
sorry for your loss, i enjoy been in that too.. i never ever had a follow up after my miscarriage.. some things never convert, but seem to procure worse.

call NHS direct 08454647, communicate to them, or your dr.. 3 weeks seems a long time to stay within pain..

my thoughts are next to you hun

Why don't girls get skid grades?

please go put a bet on to the doctors, you can't really wait 3 wks, does the doctor know you are still contained by pain, if then stir tell him, sorry i can't aid more but you must see someone

Who out there have had a boob employment? Was it all that you expected? Would you do it again?

i would ring nhs dierct babe sorry 4 your loss

What considerate of pill should i get if im getting birth control?

realy sorry for your loss i would travel back to your gp if dont draw from any better in couple days

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