Really iregular please help!!!...

Im 16 years old and have my first period NINE months ago but i strangly haven't have another period since. im the correct counterweight for my height and i am not sporty. what could b the reason for me not having my second interval im worried somthing could be wrong if you have any information please reply thank you!!

I have a tubal and am thinking about getting it reversed. My doctor put a clamp on my tubes. Didn't cut them.

Your diet, weither you exorcise or not. Your iron level, if you're taking birth control, it can all effect it. Go to a doctor.

Ovarian Csyt surgery requirement advice.?

Dont stress your first interval is often a few months previously your next one, sometimes even close to a year. its adjectives normal.

Breast size?

You will want to see a gynocologist. It is common to have irregular period initally but better to check. My doc put me on birth control pills to regulate my cycles.
good luck.

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