Painfull lump lower than my left armpit, serve?

I have have a lump under my arm since i be 16, now i am 27... ending year it was sore and the pain travelled down my arm and i own a swollen vein contained by my thumb pad. have an x-ray and told it was tissue mass? immediately it is much bigger and pain severely sensative my arm is sore. not been to docs since concluding year as they just speak about me to come back contained by a few weeks. the breast tissue in the not here breast is tender to and feels slightly bumpy underneath close to a bag of rice, i'm really worried. can anyone please assist me...?

What are areolas?

I would suggest you return to your GP

Missed pill (Femodene) causing bleeding. What should I do?

Go to the doctor very soon! Blessings to you!

If you see blood in the toilet does that mean you are staring your spell?

docter go as soon as possable.
it could be a gland proplem but best go and get it checked

How did the birth control Lunelle effect your fertility?

This is not on ! You must not tolerate being put past its sell-by date..Tell the doctor you are not happy and request,no,constraint a referral and do it now...

Do you similar to the feeling of an orgasm? why or why not?

Could be a few things but get to a doctor asap and if you are not bright and breezy you can demand a second belief.
Could be an infected gland so put your arm over a bowl and put water surrounded by as hot as you can take it. Soak flannel and hold it strong to the lump until it gets cool. Repeat as copious times as you feel competent and try again every few hours.
This hot compress should release any puss etc and help near the pain.

Good luck.

What is a sanitary belt? We don't own them here!?

you know really that you have to step to the doctor and keep perservering until you capture it treated, i was told that if the lump be painful consequently you was probably fine so don't verbs just seize it sorted, i have have tissue mass in my breast and it be very terrifically painful. give somebody a lift heart and just stir

Girls Please!?

its good sing that it hurts a short time ago go fund to your doc. they will solve your problem

Girls when did u get your spell?

Listen to me-(I am female by the way), sounds resembling mastitis's to me which is very bleeding, but all breast problems want to be checked out, don't take any rubbish past its sell-by date the doctor just recount him you want a second opinion as you are not relieved as this as gone on long enough if you are worrying going on for cancer don't because you would have have worse symptoms after all this time and would not be here in a minute, so Please DON'T Worry you will get depressed and that will not comfort either, apposite luck.

My vigina swollen on one side?

Maybe it's a swollen lymph node. You should go to dr. asap!

Help contained by bras and puberty?

Time to go to a unusual doctor. It is VERY important that you do. These symptoms you describe nouns serious to me. Granted, I am not a doctor, but this is not something you should wait any longer on. Go to an OB/Gyn even if you enjoy to pay for it yourself. DON"T WAIT ANY LONGER!

My girlfriends have been really moody?

I would step to the doctor- tell them you are concerned. I'd take care it's not breast cancer. KEEP GOING TO THE DOCTOR UNTIL THEY TAKE YOU SERIOUSLY. I hate how they meditate that because of your age (I'm 22) you can't be sick. It's BS- GET CHECKED!

Do they make condoms beside spermicides? and if they dont, how exactly do u use a spermicide on a condom?

this is really stipulation to consult a doctor could be cancerous because i am a doctor within dallas and this situation has simply happened once until that time and you need to stir to the could be very serious so travel even TODAY if you have could be a gentle of wishes!

This is for all you girls out at hand?

I had a huge lump contained by my left arm pit too. I be scared it be cancer, I went to my dr and she give me antibiotics and sent me for an ultrasound. It turned out to be nothing, sometimes when you are sick your glands achieve swollen and the swelling won't go down unless you bring antibiotics.
Don't think the worst, but categorically see your doctor about it because if it is cancer the sooner the better.
I be terrified when this happen to me...try to see your doctor as soon as you can and try your best not to worry.

Im 15 and don't own my period?

You entail to go to a gyno. Have you have a mamogram done, or a ultra sound? If you own seen a gyno already on this, You obligation to go see another one, Ask around their are really alot of dutiful Drs. You need to run A.S.A.P.

Ovarian cyst.?

Pretty scary stuff huh! And extremely frustrating trying to capture somebody to help you. Look, forgive me if the info I dispatch you fearful. However, right now what is most noteworthy is that you receive some good proposal and that you act on that counsel quickly.
I am not a doctor. Please do get the message that I am just someone beside a lot of life’s experience that read of your plight, and have asked God to use me to help folks that are close to you….scared…and confused as to what you can do or what can be done for you. Saying that, leaves us to the next course. Getting information, taking act, and getting well! Below is a controlled description of an area I believe you should investigate. Now, I could be wrong as to the exactness of the symptoms and cause, for there are far too plentiful unknowns in this situation. But, right or wrong I am convinced this will put you on the right track and in touch beside the right professionals that will be able to minister to you. Best of all, initially its free and freshly requires you contacting them by phone via the 1-800 number listed below. Or you can run to the web site and connection to their on-line IM and be discussing your situation with a compassionate professional with-in minutes. The disease I speak of is

Hodgkin lymphoma. Please do understand…your age and new treatments as these folks will explain to you, lend to you a totally high opportunity for nouns! As much as a 95% positive! And believe me, many want they could hear those odds. Please read the following not as an exact diagnosis but as a guide to try and create in you a better caring and a real urgency for you to do something NOW in the region of this. I will ask that in hope, for you to place your hands on your tender areas and your right lower rib area, and that believing with me, you will ask God as I am presently to reveal to you and the needed professionals, your illness and your cure. I ask you to also as I am doing immediately to call on Him within the very loving and powerful merciful pet name of Jesus to continue to alleviate you, keep His grace on you, and to show you the means of access unto the course he has set for you. For I truly believe this is but a sound situation in which our Lord Our God Jesus can be glorified contained by your heart and life and a completely many that you will bring unto him. In your darkest times hon, of late remember, He is always within, especially when we think its not viable. For He truly does love you and He is the God that is Love. When you remember, of late call His Name…Jesus and He will answer….hang about on Him… go surrounded by peace and love Jesus' entitle!… broRon
Call 800-268-0786 anytime to
discuss your treatment options, or

Hodgkin lymphoma* is a specialized form of lymphoma, and represents give or take a few 11.7 percent of all lymphomas diagnosed within 2006. Hodgkin lymphoma has characteristics that distinguish it from adjectives other cancers of the lymphatic system, including:
The presence of an impressive cell called the Reed-Sternberg cell (a significant, malignant cell found in the Hodgkin lymphoma tissues)
Incidence rates difficult in adolescents and babyish adults
The five-year relative survival rate for patients with Hodgkin lymphoma have increased from 73 percent in 1975-1977 to more than 86 percent at present.
Hodgkin lymphoma is usually treated chemotherapy and "involved" field radiation today.

Hodgkin lymphoma is in a minute considered to be one of the most curable forms of cancer. Many patients with Hodgkin lymphoma are cured after initial treatment. For the smaller number of patients who may hold a recurrence of the disease or a relapse, re-treatment beside chemotherapy is often successful.
The five-year relative survival rate for patients near Hodgkin lymphoma has increased from 73 percent in 1975-1977 to 86 percent in 1996-2002.
In the United States in 2006, near are 133,819 people living beside Hodgkin lymphoma (active disease or in remission) and 385,654 people living near non-Hodgkin lymphoma, for a total of 519,473 members of the U.S. population who are living near lymphoma.

Survival for Children
Five-year relative survival is 95.1 percent for Hodgkin lymphoma in people smaller quantity than 20 years of age.

Death rates have be decreasing for Hodgkin lymphoma patients since the mid-1970s. An estimated 1,490 persons will die of Hodgkin lymphoma in 2006
Hodgkin (disease) lymphoma have been agreed as a disease that affects lymphatic tissue since Thomas Hodgkin described it in 1832. Hodgkin lymphoma has continued to receive special appreciation by the World Health Organization, which influences disease classification throughout the world. The disease was call Hodgkin's disease for about 170 years and be officially changed to Hodgkin lymphoma when sufficient evidence accrue that the cancer originated surrounded by a lymphocyte.
Hodgkin lymphoma is distinguished from other types of lymphoma by the presence of one characteristic type of cell, particular as the Reed-Sternberg cell (named for the scientists who discovered it). Although they are found within the lymph nodes, Reed-Sternberg cell may not be lymphocytes.
Hodgkin lymphoma has other all your own features that distinguish it from all other cancer of the lymph system. One of its unique features is its shape of spread. Hodgkin lymphoma usually begins within the lymph nodes in one region of the body. As the disease progresses, it tend to spread in a justly predictable manner, moving from one chunk of the lymph system to the next. Hodgkin lymphoma consequently moves into organs including the lungs, liver, bone and bone marrow.
There are four stages of Hodgkin lymphoma, based on the template of spread of the disease. Stage I represents local early-stage disease, while Stage IV means that the disease have spread to various organs distant from the innovative site of the disease. The histology, or pathologic interpretation under the microscope, may be nodular sclerosis, mixed cellularity, lymphocyte predominant or lymphocyte depleted. Because of the overall nouns of therapy, these subtypes are across the world not important to the prognosis of Hodgkin lymphoma.

Hodgkin Lymphoma Symptoms and Signs
The most adjectives early sign of Hodgkin lymphoma is a painless swelling of the lymph nodes in the collar, upper chest, interior of the chest, armpit, abdomen or groin. Involvement of lymph nodes in other locations may come to pass less frequently. Other symptoms include disorientation, sweating (especially at night), weight loss and itching. Patients may experience discomfort in the lymph nodes after drinking alcohol, an unusual but distinctive finding in Hodgkin lymphoma. The spleen may be enlarged.

Hodgkin Lymphoma Staging
In addition to physical nouns, the physician can use imaging procedures to determine the extent of the disease. These tests assistance the physician to evaluate: 1) the location and distribution of lymph node enlargement; 2) whether organs excluding lymph nodes are involved; and 3) whether there are remarkably large loads of tumor in one site or another.
In most cases, these procedures will include computed tomography (CT) or enigmatic resonance (MR) imaging of the abdomen. Today, it is unusual to require a procedure referred to as a staging laparotomy, which is a surgical procedure to inspect and biopsy the lymph nodes in the tummy and the liver and remove the spleen. The information gathered from these studies permit the patient to be assigned to a "stage" of disease.
Stage I represents adjectives involvement of a single lymph node region or a single organ, such as bone.

Stage II indicates the involvement of two or three lymph node regions that are close to each other, for example, adjectives in the décolletage and chest, or all surrounded by the abdomen.

Stage III represents the involvement of several lymph node regions in the collar, chest and abdomen.

Stage IV system there is rampant involvement of lymph nodes and other organs, such as spleen or liver.

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