Any remidies besides cramp killers to sustain period throbbing?

i have taken 2 panadine and its still hurts does anyone own any other methods of dealing with term pain...thankyou surrounded by advance


Wheat packs that you bake are really good, as are long hot showers (though the certainty that australia is going through a drought may mean that thought ISNT the best but i still do, running the warm river over my stomach)

Being on the pill helps to. People can be faltering about it cos of clear in your mind side effects or think that merely cos they arent having sex they dont call for it, but it really does help. and you never know, if you grasp on it and stay on it when u finally start having sex it may be a double possitive article to be on.

painkillers can only do so much. try hold your mind off it. curl up into a globe if the motion seems to comfort, and while when you have the worst agony you may feel similar to not moving, exercise is actually really well brought-up. If you can get your self motivated to run or something, explicitly really good. Its similar to depression contained by that when you least have a feeling like moving, to be exact the time you should be.

talk to your doctor in the region of other forms of pain nouns. Most doctors will suggest the pill nowdays. However if you go to a herbalist or a naturopath, they some times hold alternative forms of treatment that work.

DONT DRINK OR EAT COLD STUFF!! warm is definately better. cold will increase the dull pain but warm does similiar to the what pack or gel pac if you hav a gel warmth pack.

hope this helps

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I found that getting on the pill ease my period crams. Try that. I totally twig what you are going through... it's awful. crap.

I get such impossible cramps during my period that i cant put away much w/o getting worse cramps, any food suggestions?!?!

I don't know what panadine is but i am sorry that sucks. Hope you feel better. I don't even know when mine is going to show up approaching no clues whatsoever....sorry I heard heat pads, zanex to sleep through it pamper and chicken noodle soup. hot showers and saunas help too.

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exercise or curl into a globe with knees to your chest. or use a warmth pack on your abdomin.

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Do you have endometriosis or be told by a dr that you might have endometriosis? I ask out of curiosity and also because throbbing periods can be a symptom of it. It be also a symptom for me with mine formerly I got diagnosed 10 years ago.

As for other option besides painkillers I like to use a heat pad or my hot sea bottle. Another thing I own is a special herb pack that I can put hot water on or use it as cold when I obligation to.

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I find sometimes a heated wheat pack or hot hose down bottle helps or lying on my stomach or possibly curling up with my pillow pushing into my tummy or maybe you could try massage with some babe-in-arms oil or redolent oils. Hope this help I know what you're going through.

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i would suggest shush ultra and a weekly trip to a gynecologist besides eat more fibirous food

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Try Evening primrose grease.
It comes in the form of cold-pressed tablets which you can go and get from the pharmacy or health stores.

Drink thaw drinks, avoid cold ones and stay away from caffeine and alcohol. Cut down on sugar and salt.

Use a hot wet bottle on affected areas.

Exercise consistently and when you're on the scarf, do light exercises which evokes more endorphines (happy chemicals produce by the brain) which is a organic pain-killer.

Most of all, chomp through healthily,regularly and remember to pamper yourself and hold good sleep/rests during those dreaded days. Take keeping of yourself emotionally and dont get big risks or spawn lifechanging decisions during this term of time.

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Heating pad or an epsom salt tub. Try some deep breathing too. Also, at the grocery store the should be a tea for PMS & the robustness food section. But honestly 3 Midol own always be best for me. But it's got to be Midol.


hot river bottle always help for cramping.

I have a pregnancy sound out. Serious answers only please.?

when i own period throbbing i get surrounded by a hot bath and stay near for 30 mins or i go some where on earth warm or acquire something warm it sooths me

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having a long hot hip bath usually helps.


Drink in profusely of water or taken within a lot of fluids a daylight or two before you are due. Don’t miss a spread during this time. It is mostly due muscle fatigue or dehydration. You can also look for information in the web. I found this website especially useful.

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