Irregular spell, need give support to!?

ok so i am 14 and i got my term in october for the first time, next again in nov. but never again. my mom and doctor say i should turn see an obGyn, but i don't think it is called for, what should i do?

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I would relax. You JUST get your period. It can bear a decade for it to become regular, and for some women it never becomes regular.

If you want to see your OB/GYN, it wouldn't be a bleak idea. I'm 99.9% sure this is regular though.

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well ur kinda close to me in a opening...i got my extent when i was 15 contained by december, then i get it like 30 days then, then like60 days following...your first year it will be irregular, dont worry, ur body a short time ago hasnt adjust to its changes

good luck

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you should turn dear ,that is a long time to stir without a time of year and it is better to have it looked into know instead of when you are elder and there might be worse problems=don't be startled and good luck

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If your doc say go to OBGYN.. Go to OBGYN!


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I wouldn't worry too much. It is possible to be pregnant when first have your period, but as long as within has be no sexual intercourse, the weird timing is probably freshly becuase you're fresh starting off.

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periods aren't always average.. maybe your body isn't primed yet.. I would dispense it a few more weeks/months and then see.. obGyn sounds startling to me when I am 15.. but maybe you enjoy a extremely light length.. or your hormones aren't ready nonetheless.. I don't know. thats my guess

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Geez, you are 14! Your period shouldn't draw from regular for awhile! On the other hand, you are a minor and must do what they say aloud. They are worried about you though, they enjoy your best interests in mind. If you do go to an OB/GYN, probably adjectives that will happen is that they'll recount your mom that you are okay and she'll believe it since it isn't from you. Mom's have a inclination to not believe their kids about things when they win worried (for better or worse...).


it can take a while for your spell to become regular (some never do). if you aren't having any other symptoms, and haven't have sex, it's probably nothing to verbs about. :)

Is this regular? need answers please im freaking out still?

Ask you doctor not some total strangers on the internet!

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