How can i find in tha pool beside my cycle on by not usin tampons!!?


What happens if i own sex, and forgot to take m birth control pills 2 days 1 week and 2 other days the subsequent?

actually ur interval stops wen ur in the dampen...nothing comes out unless its really really stout. wat i do is i just wear a wipe and everything is fine...

Symtoms of period? or pregnancy?

you can`t. sorry. Try wearing a tampon.

What cause vaginal itching and painful sex?

you cant its in recent times not possable

Can girls of any age get yeast infection?

its unattainable!

All Certain Dri users PLEASE come and help?

yep... fraid you can't unless you want a pink pool.

Help Me please. My mother is so sick. Nurses out within?

These are moon cups/moon keepers and they aren't for everyone! But if you want to give it a try, it's not a tampon.

I am a woman and I produce a great deal of yeast. How can I decrease the amount of yeast I produce?

well im 28 immediately but when i was 16 or 17 i jump in next to a pad on and when we be done swimming hurried out. I mean immediately days on girls dont prefer doin this though cause its cruel but i agree with u i repugnance wearing tampons myself to

Does anyone have a clue on clue on how I can procure used to a long line bra?

You'll bleed into the pool...

Is near any specific food you need to munch through in decree to increase breast size? I doubt it but its worth a shot?

You can't. It's disgusting!! If your flow is heavy consequently you'll have a trail of blood following you, and if it's not robust you will still be bleeding in the pool.. Even if you can't see it. It'll be like peeing in the pool! gross! Suck it up and wear a tampon or don't travel at all!

What are adjectives the signs that you might get your first length?

You can't. Either wear a tampon or don't go within the pool because you'll bleed in the wet.

How do you masturbate? please help?

My mom told me that once you get in the didn't bleed during that time. I decided to try it out and took a hip bath...and nothing leak out or anything.

But that doesn't mean it might take place. Maybe try it in a hip bath then travel from there.

No menustration after First Intercourse?

my suggestion is wear a wad... and like board shorts to hide the fact that ur wearing a wad... it will feel odd though... but if not a tampon thats what i would do...

I don't gain my period any more HELP!!!?

when you are within water, in attendance is a pressure balance type entry that stops any fluid from coming out of your vagina. but if it were me, i wouldn't seize in lacking a tampon in. up to you tho.

Whats so wrong next to murder anyway?

The pressure of the water, while you are within it, will stop any menstrual fluid from coming out.

This only works while you are within the water.

Not on the path to the water or on the course back from the river.

Good luck

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