What are all the signs that you might get your first term?
Girls i hold a questionby the side of?
1)you start with a yellowish/brownish discharge coming outta you
2)start consciousness ill
3)your stomach starts to cramp and have a feeling tighter
4)get really lazy (you might wanna be sluggish and DO NOT pick up heavy stuff or blow balloon and all that stuff that stresses your stomach
Howcome i've be bleeding 4 several days after i lost my virginity?
i didnt feel anything. ididnt even know until my MOM and AUNT saw it. it be embarrising but atleast i didnt have to TELL themIs it possible to verbs a muscle under your disappeared breast?
1.) there may be cramps2.) blood on underwear
3.) you discern emotional (you are moody)
You might have cramps a couple months past the actual bleeding starts. You could get moody, weepy or basically plain miserable to live with and afterwards comes the blood again with cramps, sometimes severe and sometimes not so unpromising. Your breast might be sore and that's just roughly it. Oh yeah and once it starts you can have babies and it will final for 40 years,
I can't find where to insert the tampon.?
Usually near is some cramping and you will see a discharge in your panties getting close to the time, it will be a little yellowish, next when you start for the first month or two it will be like a brown discharge and after it will turn to red blood. You may experience mood swings and have some bloating in your tummy and discomfort in your breasts. Good luck dear.Very personal grill for girls only?
check this site out or IM me if you want some info. i a moment ago started a wk ago for the first time and i dont want to write it on her for everyone to see what happend(im 13 btw) www.beinggirl.com and my IM is [email protected]- So confused!!?
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- For adjectives the women: when you have your first time, did it hurt, and did you bleed profusely?