What causes vaginal itching and bloody sex?


Is it possible to get a tampon stuck surrounded by you?

Could be a number of things, yeast infection, gonorrhea, Trichomoniasis(note this is not trichinosis), herpes, soaps, douches, vaginal deodorizers, if the masculine is using latex condoms--you could be allergic to latex.
Medication for yeast infections can be purchased over the counter.
Consider seeing a physician as soon as possible, lab test are available to give support to determine the cause(except for the latex, soaps, vaginal deodorizers, and douches).

Yasmin birth control and periods.?

almost any type of std/sti such as yeast infection.

How high will I be?

Is the itching inside the vagina or on the outside? If it is on the outside, I would say a yeast infection. If it is on the inside, (and this would justification for your pain during sex) it might be a bacterial vaginosis. You might also own Chlamydia, which can cause both as in good health. You need to bring back checked by a doctor.

Natural Cures for yeast infections?

a yeast infection or a bacterial infection in the vagina and these include std's. my suggestion is get an over-the-counter azole and engender an appointment with the doc. if it doesn't rearrange within 2-3 days.

The gyno said my 9 year out-of-date daughter had to be in motion for an annual exam. wat should i do?

could be all the things above...and if you're not using a condom it could be your body's repercussion to the mans sperm-irritation.

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