Pregnant? Something serious?

My period within July was on the 5th. My ending period be on August 2nd. I had some fluffy spotting around August 27 that lasted for two days. I've taken several pregnancy test all denial. I made an appointment at the clinic, but their next available year is the 19th. So I have to hang about til then. Could I still be pregnant? Or is it probably something else?

I took my final depo shot in February of 2005. I have a lot of side effects and complications, but it be finally returning to normal. I basically hope it's nothing serious.

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If you have irregular periods previously you started depo, it might be your body getting itself back into that rhythm. It could be pregnancy. If you have sex about six to eight days formerly the spotting occured, you can probably guess thats what it is. Pregnancy tests aren't other accurate. Judging by your post, your period for september isn't that tardy, so I would wait another week formerly testing again. The longer you linger,the more reliable the results are.


If the tests adjectives showed negative you're probably not pregnant, but it would be a apposite idea to procure a quantitative blood test. The depo shot can result in havoc with your cycle so use condoms as all right just within case.

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