I am a woman and I produce a lot of yeast. How can I dwindling the amount of yeast I produce?

I am 37 years old and I produce like mad of yeast. During love making my husband says it swallow terrible and not to mention it have a tiny bit of an odor. Any one out there experience this as resourcefully? How can I stop producing so much yeast and how can I eliminate the odor it is cause me to have contained by the vaginal area in need causing an infection? I am prone to UTI's.

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Yeast (candida albicans) grows in our intestines to sustain us digest food. If it overgrows (it likes sugar), it can exit the intestines, and be carried to the vagina and/or the urethra.

I go on a one year candida cleanse, and still needed prescription drug assistance to get it lower than control. Check out the yeast link at www.hufa.org, and look at the library relation for some books on the subject.

In the short term, the best food to drink is yogurt. You can also use it like a cream or douche within the vagina, too, with heat up water. Check out yeast surrounded by Search for Questions for helps on using yogurt as an external remedy.

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UTIs happen when e-coli finds its approach into the urinary tract, avoid wearing thongs g-strings, avoid talcs or perfumes contained by that area, wear cotton fabric, not synthetics because these restrict the air flow making the humidity a breeding ground for yeast and germs. If you are treating the UTI w/ antibiotics, then you must put away yogurt, and things that contain bacteria, remember that yeast and microbes need to go together out. drink lots of juice to preserve the bacterial level within your bladder low. also avoid eating too various sweets!

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