
im still a virgin but my mom is making me see one just to check and adjectives that.
i know what htey do but does it hurt?
can someone explain the pelvic exam and what they put in
when my mom got me the appointment she asked what i should expect and i be ease dropping the personality mentioned rectal exam, whats that like?!
can someone put in the picture me?

thanks contained by advance

by the way, this is not lola (lillian) it is her friend, we share it.

Girls solely and mature answers, please!?

They bring a speculum and insert it in the vagina and they just look contained by to see if you have any infections. I don't give attention to they wil give you the rectal but in recent times in grip the dr will put a glove and put some cream on his finger and feel around if anything is unexpected.he will also do a breast exam be sure to conversate when doing this it gets allittle unnatural i know for me it was...anywho its not a big promise and your gonna be fine...

What is your experience with an IUD?

Your physician will explain the exam - it is humiliated - but they will use a small speculum - thats warm and near lubrication-and they should explain every step of the way - and if it get the impression uncomfortable - say aloud so!! The doctor should stop and the nurse will help you relax.Remember to BREATHE.It can be category of scary your first time.
A rectal exam - roughly isnt typical for a first pelvic exam - if anything they will do a visual check and MAYBE near lubrication insert a finger - which isnt painful at adjectives.

Ladie plz. what is an.?

well i am 13 and i am a virgin and i went to my first just about 2 months ago and have to be in motion back surrounded by a week. my first she asked questions and i have to fill out a form... i be freaked out but i had to keep hold of tellin my self that i was fine... finally she didnt even do the whole vaginal exam motivation it was my first suggestion for you is to read a magazine and breath... try to keep your self quiet it will help.

Menopause or not ?

as long as you relax it wont hurt, if you receive really tense later your muscle will get tighter and it will hurt alot... so remember to relax

Big ribcage vehicle?

I went to several Gyno appts while I be still a virgin. They are not the most comfortable things in the world, but they don't hurt. Essentially, the doctor will insert an instrument that will hold your vagina/cervix open so that he/she can use a small swab to get hold of the pap smear culture. Next, he/she will use a finger (probably have some KY jelly on it) to insert inside you and press on the outside of your pelvic nouns with his/her other mitt to make sure near aren't any cysts. The rectal exam is pretty similar to that. 10 seconds or smaller quantity. They will also feel your breasts to gross sure there are no lumps to be concerned something like. All and all, it take less than 10 minutes. If you can try to relax your body, it will shift a whole lot better. Afterwards, they will chat with you for a few minutes and answer any question you have. Usually, if you notify them it's your first exam, they will talk you through it and use the smallest instruments possible. You'll be fine. It's manifestly something you need to do whether you're have sex or not.

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