Birth control ask?

Okay I know this is probably a stupid question but I would just resembling some reassurance. I'm on Loestrin 24 Fe and I pretty much take it religiously. I had sex and after had my period which is fitting but the following month I didnt have sex but I didnt have my term.. This month I missed one pill and bled one day and still havent had sex, I'm waiting for my term this month which should be in 2 days. Should I be worried that I'm pregnant? Oh and we used a condom!


Why is it said you shouldn't hose your spike on your term?

had sex => have period=> no sex=> peroid soon?

you should be fine, the pills are just making your body haywire. Since you take them Religiously, missing one may own thrown you out of whack. You should be golden.

Is nearby a route to run swimming during your time of year besides using a tampon?

Def. not im on the same thing and i have a simular accident it takes a few months to be regular. you should be fine, and my length always was during the end 2 days of my pack, so you should be fine

My girl have it. what can i do to receive it better? what are do's and dont's for her? pls serve me im worried :(

No, you don't need to worry in the order of being prego. If your still worried, see a doc.

Missed the pill-how much of a problem?

I wouldn't worry too much. From what you own said, it sounds like you are safe.

This is an shameful interview, but I have to ask?

So similar to ive be spotting but its not blood its "juice" and when i liquid its alot. what does it aim?!
Im a girl of 23 and purely own no sex drive anymore !! why is this and anything i can do ? its so unusual ! i f
Really chance cross-question but ya . . .?
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