Will I get my extent on the pill?
Thankyou especially much for any help.
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depends of your/his fertillity. that is how i get pregnant. now i read EVERY pill caution label. i option you the best. the more stressed you are also will affect your period, hopefully it is prompt, if you don't have a extent three days into your week off i would do a pregnancy interview!
it will usually come two or so days after you stop taking the pills. if it doesnt come at all, though, see your doctor. also, read the instruction booklet that came near your pills if you have it, because that tend to have some prominent information.
You should own it about 2 or 3 days into your week bad! oh yeah with the pill, you do know that you can attain hair on you lip! newly thought you should know that! hope you get your time of year,! weird to speak but, yeah. good luck.
no you cant because this is a organic thing and you cant do any point for the natural things
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