Should abortion be dubious?

Are legislators ignorant plenty to outlaw shooting your neighbor to death but making poisoning your kid or cutting their nouns and vacuuming their brain legal?

I can't believe that it is the 21st century and we allow women to hold this barbaric treatment to their children. People are debating spanking your child yet in that are people bloodshed them in the womb. Crazy!

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First of all, it isn't a "child" until it is born. Second, it should be allowed - what about contained by cases of rape or incest? Those women should just be forced to own the baby? THAT is barbaric.

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Abortion is Murder !
And Muder is a Crime, and a Mortal Sin !

Take Care and God Bless you !

Is it true that?

Yes it is crazy!

Girls individual I really really need aid so please answer.?

No it shouldn't be.
You're "born" 9 months after your inception, birth is the beginning of existence, you can't kill what's not alive, but you can prevent them from have a miserable existence with a mother that doesn't want them.

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no, but bringing innocent kids willy nilly into the world just cos u dont agree beside a termination should be, not enough relatives are having abortions if you ask me, they're basically popping kids out, and sponging off us taxpayers, thats the disgusting piece

Anything to take, or do that will abet?

I don't support abortion at all. However, I do expect that woman have the right to choose. Just because I don't conjecture it's right and would NEVER have an abortion, I'm not going to try and net it illegal for woman who want to. It's personal choice.

Hormonal contraceptives?

Laws don't work. The "War On Drugs" proves that. Abortions are going to come up whether they are legal or evil.

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Great give somebody the third degree.
I completely agree with you.
It say in the Bible that God knit us together surrounded by our mother's womb. We have a soul long up to that time we are born. God has a plan for ach and every one of our lives, and abortions verbs that plan.
I believe that all abortions should be outlawed.

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No, it should not be.
You guys are screaming against abortion, but you are not helping those single women, who are beyond poverty strip, because they decided to keep hold of the baby.
Now let be logical. If there is a pregnant single woman, not a soul will hire her for a good position. After the toddler is born, she won't be able to work full time.
If the command offered free childcare and some money to single mothers, I see how outlawing abortion could work, but there are no sanctuary measures for single mothers, so abortions could be the only choice for them.
In ornament, I would like to agree beside what someone said above. People would always own abortions. I think it is better that a professional does them, a bit than some underground person, who does not know what he is doing. In some sick sense, abortions salvage lives.

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Hell yeah! Abortion is making a pact with the devil you are in actual fact committing a sin and actually person a killer and it's crazy how the mom decide to have the doctor shoot her baby what if the infant was born and the child was to be put within a table and as a mother watching how the doctor kills your babe right in front of your eye's that would hurt the mom to see this she might probably muse twice before have her baby butcher in the table but since the infant its inside her womb she still feel no morale for her baby. Doctors should squirrel away life's not loose go's! This century is still being naive.

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i'm near u. the baby feel the pain. i've see sonograms showing the baby moving away from the vacuum. abundant women, probably all are haunted by their finding to abort such a precious gift. young girls have be charged with murder when they dispose of a little one right after birth. i don't see a difference. killing a toddler in the womb or after he/she is born is WRONG! some ancestors have abort babies in the finishing trimester which is really brutal. the only agency i could see a possible termination is if the mother's life is at risk, even to be exact hard to consider.

why don't people do something adjectives, instead of becoming pregnant. we all know how it happen. if u don't want a baby, practice self-denial or use the proper protection. only folks in denial believe that a babe-in-arms is not alive until birth. the baby have a heart beat. quit making excuses to be paid yourselves feel better. find fixed, so you won't be able to mar an innocent being!

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If they made it private they would just kind legal again.People are crazy!

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Abortion should never have even gotten into the court systems. But since it have, then yes, abortion should be legally recognized. It's really irritating how people I've never ever met save trying to get into my uterus! My body! My time! My consequences!

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i am totally again abortions esspecially when i found out how they do it! If they dont want a baby they should hold on to their legs shut! I think near is only one execption to own an abortion and that is if the child have an illness resembling brain damaged, down syndrome or some other disability close to that because its not fair on the child to hold to live like that! and even within that case it should be 'removed' in the first 10 weeks. I dont see no diffrence between shoting someone in the street and suckin the baby out in the past its ready, they are both MURDER!

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