Is sex at 15 okay?

ya i did it five times. is it bad? lol immediately i think im pregnant. cuz within was this stuff that exploded inside me! what does that niggardly! when it did, it felt great! am i too immature? everyone says that. my mom doesnt even know i do it! now what am i gonna do? how can i notify her im pregnant? i dont want to be!

Is it normal for a girls breasts to hurt?

u can pocket a pregnacy test next go from at hand and tell your mom the adjectives story dont let her find out b4 u share her that would be bad

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You find this humorous?

This post is truly frightening, and proof positive that teenagers are NOT ready to enjoy sex.

Not by a longshot.

Ladies i need your give support to!?

well everyone has sex when they ponder they are ready but you are especially young to be pregnant the with the sole purpose way to narrate if you are pregnant is to take a pregnancy oral exam if you miss your period.Maybe you should discuss to your mom , it is always better to be unfold with your parents.

Is vaginal discharge heavier when ovulating?

well apparently your to childlike because you should know to use a condom whenever you have sex unless your on birth control which im guessing your not.

What does this suggest?

i had sex at 14

I hold to have a biopsy on my right breast. can someone convey me what's involved? the sonogram was painful

OMG are you crazy!? are opening to young. Gosh you hold so much more to do in existence than to go and hold sex with a boy. You should be focused on your conservatory and other things not sex. Just take a minute and judge about what you own gotten yourself into.

Im going to be trying to get pg, i am usually every 28 days this month my extent 26 days what do i go by?

protection first but wow ur road to young didn't u ask this give somebody the third degree?

How can i avoid having uterine fibroids?

whoa have sex at 15 is NOT right. Make sure your on birthcontrol pills and go for a pregnancy tryout. Please stop doing this if you get pregnant you are going to regret it please don't do it. Make sure that the guy be using a condom. Make sure that your period comes on the time it's suppossed to be and manufacture sure of your behavior becasue during pregnancy your behavior and mood changes. Also if you don't want your mom to know later simple as that just stop have sex. I'm serious if you get pregnant at 15 you'll regret it. And remember to be in motion for a pregnancy test.

Did anyone else a moment ago see that horse walk down the street?

First things first, reach a deal to your mom, whether or not you think she is going to snuff you is beside the point. If you don't think that she will read between the lines, then you necessitate to find someone who will be there to support you. Second, cart a pregnancy test, the worst entry it can say is positive and consequently you really do need to reach a deal to your mom. Last, go draw from tested for STD's. As embarrassing as that sounds, the primary cause of cervical cancer is HPV, so turn get tested, get hold of a papsmear, and ultimately you are the one that decides whether or not you are weak enough to hold sex. However you have to want whether or not you are old ample to deal next to the "consequences" of sex. Please next time protect yourself!

Good luck next to this!

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You should not be having sex if you don't even know what "this stuff that exploded inside me" be. If you don't want to be pregnant you should have used a condom. You should also be worried that you merely got an STD.

3 broken toes?

lol? You find it funny. You know how much discomfort your parents will go through because you be stupid enough to acquire pregnant at 15!?!?! You are too young. This is pitiful. First of all you did this to yourself so you can blame yourself for man pregnant.

Why are my breasts sore?

The best way too go-between whether you're too young to own sex is this...

If you are pregnant, or you GET pregnant... are you ready to settle down beside that person? Are you organized to spend 9 months pregnant? Are you ready to physically turn through the labor process? Are you ready to throw adjectives your dreams down the drain and spend the rest of your life raise a baby? Are you set to quit partying on the weekends and hanging out beside your friends and spend that time with your babe-in-arms? Are you ready to be a mom? Are you equipped to give up YOUR LIFE and sort everything you say, do, spend money on, etc. ALL in the order of your baby. Are you organized to be a responsible, mature grown? Cause when you have a babe, it's not about you anymore.

There is NO guarantee that you won't get hold of pregnant. Birth control. Condoms. Pulling out. If you use one of these methods or even ALL 3... there is still the fate that you can get pregnant.
If you answered "NO" to the above question and you're not ready to do those things... you shouldn't be have sex, because abortion is not an option... and one-sidedly I don't think adoption is any. If you think you're ripened enough to own sex, you should be mature plenty to deal beside the responsibilities of having a child.

Specially for doctors(but anyone can answer)- My sister?

man... im 15, and am thinkin bout my first time. but im not openin my legs for every guy that walk by either. im one and only gonna have sex beside someone that i know that loves me, and im gonna do it because i love who im with. why didnt you or the guy wear protection?? you know how unpromising that makes us youthful females look? i mean individuals constantly give me crap on this answers article because they say im toooo young at heart, but i may be young but atleast im smart to use protection you know? now, only just because you needed 5 mins, of fun your gonna have to throw ur duration away. D A M N! PEOPLE OF AMERICA. NOT ALL 15 YEAR OLDS ARE DUMB LIKE THIS. SOME OF US, HAVE SELF RESPECT AND A BRAIN, BUT OTHERS OF US, TEND TO FORGET HOW TO USE USE THEIR BRAIN hmmmm...hmmm. ANYWAYS GOOD LUCK, UR GONNA NEED IT. YOU DONT HAVE MY PITTY, CUZ IN THE REAL WORLD THERE IS NO SUCH THING. BUT HEY, ATLEAST UR ALOWANCE CAN GO TWORDS PAMPERS AND WHAT NOT. SORRY, BUT THIS JUST DOSNT SIT WELL WITH ME. THIS JUST PROOVES THE TO THE PEOPLE THAT SAY THAT 15 YEAR OLDS ARE TO YOUNG TO HAVE SEX. BUT I PROMISE AMERICA WHEN MY TIME COMES, I HOPE GOD IS LISTENIN TO. I WILL BE ON THE PILLL OR WILL WEAR A CONDOM,. AND IF MY BOYFRIEND WANTS TO KEEP THE THING THAT STATES HIS MANHOOD, HE WILL WEAR A CONDOM AS WELL(I HAD TO GET THAT OFF MY CHEST).. MAYBE THEY ARE RIGHT AFTER ALL. GOD. WHY?

Irregular period, have need of help!?

What munificent of quation is THAT? I'm preeetttyyyy sure you've known the answer since, what, 4th echelon?

"lol, now I suggest I'm pregnant".. Yeaaaahhhhh, you're not gonna be lol-ing for long.

Yeah, you're too young.

Christ, at LEAST use protection.

Well, we can't notify you what to do. You did this to yourself. Good luck.

Is their anything you can do to get your boobs bigger lacking surgery?

You are immature and I pray to God that you aren't pregnant because within are enough neglected children surrounded by this world already.
I only hope that I tilt my daughter to have self respect and to trust that she can sermon to me about anything. I'm not a immensely religious person but I consistency the need to utter...Lord have mercy on you.

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