How long do you bestow in your tampon?Girlz individual?

im kinda new to this ..i know around TSS and i know how to insert it but i need to know how long an average women leaves their's surrounded by there ..please no rude comments ..oh an i resembling to be very extremely clean ,so how long do you suggest ?

Tampon Question- Please Answer!?

NEVER more than 3 to 4 hours. I suggest a wad at night. A break from the tampons is other a plus. If you know about TSS afterwards I won't give you that urge. If you have question and think I can relieve you are welcome to email me.

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I leave it within untill it is full and leaking

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Never evacuate it in longer than 4 hours while you are awake and if you sleep near one in you must put a fresh one surrounded by right before bed and first entry when you wake up.

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4 hours at the most..Sleep next to a pad preferrably. This will facilitate prevent TSS and infection..good luck

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ok i know you said girls only but when you know when to bring yur tampon off it any has to be realy drizzly or if your on your peored then you fine-tuning it when it is full of blood.

First period + tampons?

It adjectives depends on how heavy your extent is. If it's light, you can start out it in for give or take a few 8 hours, if it's medium, roughly 5, if heavy, roughly speaking 3.

Whats going on?

i stopped using tampons because i felt them to be extraordinarily uncomfortable to use... and i never could let somebody know when to remove them.. i started using "the keeper".. it is a re-usable devise that can be left surrounded by as long as you need too, and doesn't obsorb the moisture inside.. and you can't be aware of a thing.. be in motion to and check it out!

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usually I leave it within all hours of darkness (right before I progress to bed) and put on a new one within the morning. but if the string starts to leak I replace it.

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when my interval was really starchy i had to metamorphosis between classes in arts school sometimes every class, then subsequent i could have gone adjectives day but they suggest you money at least twice a daytime.

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I'd say max is 8 hours for low flow, 5 or 6 for surrounding substance flow and 3 or 4 for low flows. If you aren't sure your flow check it ever 3 hours just incase. It's ok for disappearing it in while your asleep if you don't own the overnight ones. Try buying the regulars because you can usually use them everytime.

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