What is the most impressive medication for menstrual cramps?
Go see your gyn...maybe you own PMDD, there are prescription meds available. Also, reach a deal with your gyn in the region of your concerns about taking the pill. The pill have been available for over 50 years very soon, and doesn't seem to adversely affect fertility within most women. There are also the new, low dose pills available.
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MIDOL! it works honey!Is it ok to have anal sex next to a woman who is on her periods( she is willing, of course)?
I find Midol extra strength honestI didn't have sex but i discern like i'm pregnant.!?
motrin, run them when you get the cramps. sometimes you gotta help yourself to 4.in some women ibuprofen does the work...but if you're having that charitable of pain...you should consult your gynecologist...specifically often a sign of endometriosis
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M-I-D-O-LTry midol and a heat pad near lots of warm baths
Go to the dr and basically explain to him that your (dad) gave you codeine and it worked great for the cramps and I'm sure they would purloin you off of the pill and make a contribution you the T3 for the pain...Good Luck, I other tell the dr my (dad) or some other familial member give me meds...they always buy it, and if they don't they extremity up giving it to me anyways!
midol, advil, chammomile tea, warmness pads, excerise, sex, hold a dog sit on ur stomach (the heat, it works, a small dog of course)
I am training to become a midwife and?
Hi,I have the same problem as you. Cramps so unpromising the pain would wake up me in the middle of a nouns sleep. My GYN gave me prescription Ibuprofen (800MG), which help, but I also went on the pill. I would ask your GYN for a presciption for Ibuprofen...see if that help. If you are concerned about liver disrupt from taking so much ibuprofen, be sure to drink PLENTY of water when you help yourself to it. Good luck.
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Go back to your ob/gyn & see what advice/meds you can go and get.I used magnesium and calcium supplements and after using them for about a month I hold not had any more menstrual cramps for over 2 years presently.
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Just go pay for on the pill that the easiest thing and you said it worked for you contained by the past ...Are you over cargo not a questions you considered necessary back but weightiness can factor in your cramps Are you helpful run walk ect.
do you hold time to workout YOGA anything
Do you drink alto of coffee or high caffeine drinks
All of these are factor in cramps and you may loose change yourlife style and most ofthe problems will go away
As for a rapid fix you have choices herbal teas lots of hose
get a message in the past you start
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