What does this mingy?

My man and i are ttc so I stopped taking bith control April 28th got a wierd extent on the 1-5 of May. I've spotted a little over the weekend, not really adequate for a pad(June 1-3) Nothing on the 4th, but today i'm getting bad cramps and enjoy more blood. Earlier when i went to the rest room, at hand were clots and its stringy blood. I'm sorry i know i.e. nasty. I freshly want to know if any one has exsperienced this since or is it something i need to move about to the doctor about? Is it because of not taking the bc any more? Thanks in mortgage. Please no rude answers. If you can't be nice keep your comments to yourself!

IS within a website to know the medicaine u are taken?

i don't know cause I don't own my period all the same, but I would go see a doctor as soon as possible.

Black cohosh dosage query?

Yes you need to christen your doctor! You may be pregnant and miscarrying. If is is not that you may need to hold medicine or a dnc. Best of luck! Call the doctor!

Is this ordinary, bigger boobs?

id say that what your experiencing is basically you body adjusting to you not one on birth control anymore.

but it cant hurt to go to the doctors if your worrid.

Cousin help/ doctors?

sounds close to a miscarriage to me....call you doctor and grasp yourself checked out and taken care of

I am considering Tubal Ligation (permanent birth control)?

yes you involve to go to the doctor and see what is going on.

Constantly Tired?

If you own taken the pill for a while, you may experience a few crazy cycles before things return to middle-of-the-road. Your body needs time to adjust. It is usually best not to try to conceive (use an alternate birth control method) for three months after you stop taking the pill to confer your system time to clean itself out and settle contained by to a new routine. Good luck.

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It sounds to me like your body is trying to adjust to not man on birth control. Call your gyno and make sure that this is supposed to be taking place. I don't think in attendance is any need to hysterics and I don't believe that it is a miscarriage because depending on how long you were on birth control, it take at least 6 months to gain completely out of your system. Best of luck with getting pregnant!!

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I am not a medical professional so my answer is purely from personal experience.

I am assuming you were using the pill for bc. When I be younger that was also my form of bc. Each time I come off the pill (3 times-2 for my pregnancies, and consequently when I came stale for good) I had unusual period for about 3 months. Real fluffy one month, with break through spotting, and next real bulky for the next two months. With the first two times, I be pregnant by then. The final time I come off the pill my period had settled into a pretty predictable template by the fourth of fifth month. It has be long enough ago that I honestly don't hark back to any extra clotting or anything like that, though I can deduce your fear and concern.

I decision I could tell you that everything is fine, and no to verbs, but in sincerity every one of us is different. You could get a hundred different answers and nearby is not guarantee that any of them will be the right information or sollution for you.

In reality I expect you should follow your gut instincts and what your body it telling you. You know it better consequently anyone who could answer your questions. If you reflect on you should make an appointment near your GYN then manufacture that appointment. It is always, other, better to be safe afterwards sorry.

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maybe a miscarriage or your body maybe trying to even out, need to be in motion to the Dr.

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