I own been dx'ed next to anx/depression. I have lately gotten a pain to possess over.?

The pain is contained by my sternum (brest bone) and just a bit to the disappeared, upper meaty breast area. I own not pulled anything. I am ultra lazy, (due mostly to meds, and getting used to them) so near is no exertion, pulling of muscles, nothing resembling that. My breathing is normal, as is my bp. The lone thing up is my anxiety. My doc is on vaca, so at hand is no one for me to confer to. I am fine as long as I lay still. Any ideas? Is at hand a doctor in the house? plz comfort me. I have taken a xanax for this already and am ready to sleep if my herald will leave me alone.

Just how hard to digest is my period going to catch?

sounds like you have need of a guy to give you a worthy boffing


It sounds like brass neck stones.

Why is this happening?

My heart go out to you. I used to be depressed and suffer great anxiety. I have standard Jesus as my savior and have allowed Him to clear the changes within my life as He saw fit. Well, I guess at hand was alot to fix and He's still not done.

My guess is you dislike intensely yourself and wish to escape the dull pain and memories. You gotta' deal near them head on or they will own you for the rest of your time. Pills will never cure you. There's only One soul who can! However, continue to bring the meds as prescribed until your relationship with God have developed and you're free from your hangups and fears.

You come across to be falling victim to your bygone. You will continue to nose-dive victim to it as long as you fixate over it. Free yourself from those who have hurt you by forgiving them and stop blaming yourself for everything that go wrong. Sometimes, people engender mistakes not to hurt you, but because they don't know any better.

The chest pain might be a subluxation contained by your spine. Talk to a good chiropractor and seize it taken care of. You might in recent times find you have another issue 'posterior' there as very well.

My mom recently have a hysterectomy, and ever since she has departed leg pain, does anyone know what it could be?

I am not a doctor but a long-suffering with similar probs.I suffer next to severe acid reflux possibly made worse by my meds but its a adjectives symptom of anxiety..I take gaviscon which have been prescribed for me & help with the symptoms however if the backache gets to unpromising you need to aim expert help, any from another Doctor or at hospital
I have read the other posts here & whilst some race may think religion is not for them I would recommend anyone to have an unscrew mind, sometimes having a idea & having hope can prevail over any medicine man can form.
Good luck

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