Just how hard to digest is my period going to draw from?

mine started about a year ago, and it a short time ago get's heavier! contained by one week, it's taken away two pairs of underwear. i can't even lay on my back short it going to the back of my underwear. is it merely going to get heavier?

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Working out and eating sound will help it to be lighter. My sister used to procure HORRIBLE cramps (the can't get out of bed variety) and next she started running three times a week on the treadmill. By the end of the year she said her length was SO much lighter that she just about noticed it and the cramps be practically gone.
Also you are NOT alone, my biggest problem is it going up the back :S I revulsion it! You should look at the store for extra long overnight pads, they're almost as long as two regular pad end to shutting. They also have them surrounded by ultra thin so it won't show, I LOVE them and they lend a hand me a bunch. If you can't get those, use this trick my mom told me roughly speaking: wear two regular pads, but overlap them so that one go way far put money on and the other one covers the front. This trick saved my vivacity til I discovered the ultra long ones!!
If your period get REALLY heavy, you should go and get checked out by a doc. Going on birth control can help control it, also sometimes near are health issues that mete out you to have a really bulky period, that can be fixed.
Good luck!!

Poor girl..?

i don't think so try to exercise it moght go away

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well i newly started this year and my mom says its gonna receive really heavy and mine is starting to attain worse

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your period take a few years to stablilize.., it may get lighter or stay duplicate.. bu tthe reason why its so strapping right now is any bcuz it is stablizing or bcuz you arent eating on form... that can make it heavier... drink more vegetables...and like the girl above said exercise

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If it's really heavy see your GP, you might requirement to goby the side of the pill to make it lighter, you could try a larger wipe when your in bed, mine be heavy so I go on the pill, but for the last 4 years I've bled most of the time, so presently I've had a balloon ablation, oh it's nice not to be on.

What could bring this at such young age?

See your Doctor as soon as you can! This could be a sign of a problem. They can also make available you birth control pills that will slow the heaviness down, you will be much happier. I have this problem for about a year and talk to my doc and he did exam everything was OK and put me on pills and I am adjectives good presently!

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Many girls and women own heavy flow,along near cramps and passing some blood clots.If it get excessive,lasting more than 2 or 3 days enlighten your Mom,and see your MD.The heavy flow can be help with a intensely low dose of BCP's. It may help to use the longer pad on those days,and use 2 when you go to bed,placing 1 farther put a bet on on your body. Normally it shouldn't get heavier,see the Doctor if that happen. Take care. SW FNP

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