I want to make a solicit votes!!?

Do you girls think that it is right for girls to buy tampons and wipe when they are on there spell. If you can get comdoms free from the clinic next im sure the goverment should pay for pad and tampons for girls. Girls have period because its naturall and pads and tampons are really expsencive, here like lb3.50 for 8 and girls stir thrugh about 16 when they are on. I reflect if us girls make a cause about this afterwards pads and tampons will be free. Also Pregnact test they should be free everywhere You shouldnt have to pay cheque for these sort of thigns, its just a watse of money when we should be getting them for free.



I've never thought about it formerly - but yes, it's an extremely good opinion - in proposition. Can you imagine how much this would cost the political affairs? A lot more than just condoms!

Anyway I still deem it's a good concept, but I doubt anyone will ever bother to use it. :-( Pity.

Am I too thin for my altitude?

I think condoms should be free, because they prevent diseases. People should buy their own tampons - I be determined where do you stop? Must the Govt buy our panties too?

This may nouns weird?

I muse it would be great, but you'd be fighting a losing scuffle.

The government consent to clinics give away condoms as within the longrun it saves them money on giving abortions and STD treatment.

Giving away tampons and pad is not going to save lives is it? Buy the cheaper ones if you're really that bitter give or take a few it.

Need help( Women only)!?

Yes i agree with you but loically i don't construe it will ever happen nice thought tho

What are events you'll neve forget surrounded by your life?

Have be saying matching thing for years. It's not as if we choose to hold periods.

These things should be free, similar to the Pill is.

Is it normal for eyes to hose down when you see someone who is HOT?

while i agree and support your efforts i cant see you person successful but you have my vote and im mannish

Ladies, a little insight, please?

I am a man and I hold been cliché this for years. However, I understand you can draw from feminine hygiene products on the NHS but they are rubbish, just approaching the condoms you can get. How would you allow women the choice they require? A voucher system? I don't know where on earth you buy yours but my wife gets them plentifully cheaper than 3.50 for 8.

Help with disordered ingestion, please?

Sorry but i can't see any reason to return with them for nothing. Where would you draw the column - having a poo is completely innate so should we also get free toilet article.

*/ boobs?

I completely 100% agree. However, what we have to remeber is that adjectives these things cost, and everyone would end up paying difficult taxes tocover the expenses. Some countries even charge for forms of contraception, yet its not available for the family struggling in the 3rd world countries, where it is more of an issue. I meditate they should be at least VAT free. What we own to remember is that at least today there are things to use, hold you ever thought about adjectives thoses hundred of years ago and how women coped then?

Yes its a rip sour, but were better bad than those women. God knows what they used....

For girls solitary the younger generation?

I definatley agree I hold come on in town in the past un expectadley and spent almost lb10 on having to by aload to closing me go for it ... It'll also support the homless women to, image not have any home but then also going through your menstural cyclye near nothing GUD LUCK :0) xx

Is it possible to achieve pregnant without a penis certainly entering you?

will never happen, however you can catch a free preg test via the pharmacy

How can I prevent my bras from making me sweat when it's hot?

You Go Girl!!
Go on http://www.ipetitions.com/start-petition... and start one email me and i'll definatley sign it!!

Is this an std or skin condition? worried in the order of penile cancer?

All contraception for women is free too, we can't expect everything to be free and as I say it cheaper to buy Tampax than a complete nursery for a baby.

Why can't i get an orgasmn?

I agree with you, but next I don't think we should enjoy to pay for perscriptions! it's not our eccentricity if we get ailing

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