I inevitability assist please lend a hand me...girls with the sole purpose please.?

I am on my period and it is very thoroughly heavy like I can quality it when it comes and sometimes it goes through my clothes especially when I lay down for a long length of time. How can I minimize this or make it lighter any accepted wisdom that you know will work. I have to work tomorrow and can not go if my length is still this bad. Please help.

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Dont verbs a lot of people are exactly indistinguishable including me!
What you could do is try wearing a super thick pad, similar to the motherliness ones but not if you know what i mean as well as wearing a tampon. But if it is really bothering you later i would see a doctor because they can give you something to reduce the flow because i am concidering duplicate thing, Good luck

Ps. Does heavy period run in your family because if they do you could ask that household member for advice.

Teenage term comfort :)?

In the short term- what pads/tampons are you using? Use the largest tampon size going and double protect by using a gluey pad on your pants. Change the tampon frequently, as soon as it become saturated and you can feel it leak out onto the pad, change the tampon.

In the long residence, transexemic acid is a tablet you can get from your doctor which reduce the amount you bleed by up to 60%- this is non-hormonal treatment. Otherwise you can try a contraceptive pill, injection, implant or coil to reduce or even stop your period.

Hope this helps

I bleed contained by between period, is this regular?..i usually bleed 2 weeks after my menstrual length.?

Mine are very fatty as well for 2 days and have become more so after have 3 babies.
Have to use both a super-absorbency tampon and a super pad at the same time and money them quite often. But luckily my extent only lasts for 3 days.
If you find alot of blood comes out after you sit up from lay down, that's because while you are laying down, the blood pools in the uterus single to come out once you are upright again(gravity).

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Change every 2-3 hours or as much as you can. Its super annoying but its the only approach.
The pill can reduce these symptoms in some ethnic group. It didnt really do that much for me but i know people who have benefited from it.

Hurting really unpromising?

wow,ably maybe you can try wearing a tampon and a pad i hold a friend with a really heavy term and thats wht she does,but idk because mine are light,hope this helped..

How do u receive bigger boobs?

hi, dont verbs .1- dont use tampon .2- take rest and put ice pack on uterus (under stomach).3-change pad each 2-3 hours or if involve before.4-you can take( mefenamic asid) tablet each 8 hours .

My fiancee and I have sex in need a condom and he pulled out, after I have a clumpy discharge. Normal?

um i used to bleed pretty unhealthy too i know you might not like this but use a pad and a tampon at equal time and do exercise

Leaking urine while exercising??

Try using a more protective tampon, or pads that are for heavy period. Or try both =]

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