Bladder Infection, Peeing Blood, Pain is gone, but...?

For the past two weeks, I've have on and off bladder infection, first few daytime's was peeing, bright red blood, and hurt the fundamentally last of the pee. Now two weeks following, I can't seem to hold the pee contained by. If I get in the vicinity anything that's liquid, I instantly own the urge to pee like I be holding it for day's! I try to hold it surrounded by, but even bending foward while holding don't help one bit! I took amoxicilan for a week, and blood is gone, but no control of holding pee. I will be fine, than I'll bring a bottle for my kids, and I have to stop contained by the middle of pooring, and quickly run to the bathroom, usually happen, everytime!

Sex questioni dont know what that was.puzzled =Z?

Uh-oh. Did you return with a urinalysis to make sure the bladder infection is gone? It can be a couple of things. Your bladder muscles or the first night to the bladder may be still be irritated from the past infection or the infection may not enjoy cleared.

It is not uncommon. There is OTC medication such as Cystex to treat the symptoms.

Like anything else, if it continues, see your doctor. Hope you feel better.

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Cranberry juice---lots of it.

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It might be a UTI...go to the doctor...if the infection get to you kidneys it could be big problems.

infact, go to an urgent support and get it taken comfort of right away...cranberry juice isn't going to cure an infection if you've have it for 2 weeks.

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Let me tell you that hematuria( blood within urine) is a very serious situation, it could be from what you describe as a bladder infection to a kidney infection. Seek a physician.

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You really should go to the doctor, that could be not suitable. That's the best advice to distribute is going to the doctor.

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Get thee to a doctor since it goes up into your kidneys and achieve a prescription for a sulfa based antibiotic (unless you're allergic). PLEASE transport my word for it-I have binding kidney damage from an infection that go too long. In the meantime, you can purchase an over-the-counter product called "Cystex". Talk to the pharmacist around the ingredients and how long you can take it.

Just a strange question but curious any opinion and ideas would be great!?

i'd catch on an antibiotic and really zap the infection.. dont want it to spread up to your kidneys and cause some unchanging damage.. Also, URISTAT. best drug within the world for the relief of headache / having to pee adjectives of the time. over the counter, probably about $10-15

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You obligation to get on antibiotics right away..Macrobid will draw from that UTI gone in no time. One article you do NOT want to mess with is a bladder infection. Drink pure cranberry liquid too (not the kind you capture at Safeway) and lots of water. You unquestionably have to gain this taken care of because it can travel up and damage your kidneys.

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Sounds like your bladder infection is not totaly gone. What be the millegram of Amoxicilian you took.250 or 500mg?
You needed 500mg.
You need to report this to your doctor as something else could be growing and then its going to be really difficult to find of the germ that is cause your UTI such as E. Coli.
I have have lots of UTIs , but none with blood. So yours be really worse than the norm.

Is this normal?


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