Tears On My Vulva-Women Only?

I keep getting these rips/tears on my vulva. Does anyone know what might lead to them? They are linear and super painful. I thought they might be from medication (zolft) but I stopped taking 2 or 3 months ago. I also thought perchance due to age but I'm only 36. How do I prevent them?

Is near a way to convey if a woman is on contraceptive pills?

When us women hit a certain age we start loosing our elasticity our skin, It can be from a few things from the tp we use, not enough lubricant, or from the type of soap that you use that might dry your skin. try using feminine lotion,or a lantern lubricant.

Have you used that diet pill NV? The one with Carmen lectra as a spokeswoman?

By seeing your doctor and chitchat about it. No one else can diagnose the problem and not a soul else can help to inaugurate to treat or manage it.

Pad or tampon?

This is one you really entail to see your doctor about.
Quite soon.

After sex near a condom, I get a yeast infection. Has happen twice?

see a doctor for their opinion.

Is it middle-of-the-road to have masses holes in your vagina? I'm freaking out?

Now you know as all right as I do when you posted, that this obviously requires a ocular examination. Further, you slipshod to indicate any relevent specifics such as the extent of your promiscuity or if you practice the ludicrous act of shaving your vulva. You're merely fishing here ; see your physician girl.

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