Mood Swings previously Menstration?

I tend to get really severe mood swings formerly my menstration. I cry easily, I tend to throw tantrums, and be upset over things that usually don't situation. All these is coupled with a 1-2 daylight long bout of depression.

Are there any methods or unconscious remedies that may help beside my mood swings?

So if your hymen is on the outside of ur vag. then how u still bleed when?

One week beforehand your period try if you can to avoid the following: chocolate, pork (of any kind), caffeine, cheese and wide fried, salty things. Prior to your time of year these things do make you swell up near water freight and I tend to crave them at this time! Avoid them and you have smaller amount irritability and less cramping! Periods gross you feel lousy but it doesn't enjoy to be made worse! Put parsley on your food it is nature's diuretic! If this doesn't assist you might try going to the Dr. for some nerve pills!

Random Cramps.?

I Always know when I would get my time of year because the day back I would explode like a crazy woman. It be like a switch, I could'nt turn it rotten and it would be something as stupid as something left on the floor. anyway my Dr. put me on Zoloft and It have really calmed me down. good luck

What can this be, spell or something else?

I've had wonderful luck near Homeopathic Options
Below, listed are some that you can try. No side effects and no possibility of overdose.

Look for the symptoms that fit you most, they can alteration throughout your cycle and throughout your life. Best wishes and right life.


Premenstrual problems beside puffiness in the extremities, fluid retention, and a bloated feeling commonly indicate a need for this remedy. The woman may perceive very awkward and clumsy, and may constantly be dropping things because of swollen-feeling hand. Diarrhea occurring around the time of the menstrual period strongly indicates this remedy.

Calcarea carbonica

PMS next to fatigue, anxiety, and a feeling of person overwhelmed suggest a need for this remedy. The woman may hold problems with water-retention and weightiness gain, tender breasts, digestive upsets, and headaches. Periods repeatedly come too early and later too long, sometimes with a flow of bright red blood. A nonspecific feeling of chilliness, beside clammy hands and foot, and cravings for sweets and eggs are other indications for Calcarea.


This remedy is often courteous to women with a history of irregular period, difficulty becoming pregnant, or slow childbirth due to weak muscle tone of the uterus. Symptoms include discomfort during period and a heavy flow of blood or other discharge. Drawing pains may be feel in the pelvic region, thighs, and legs. Stiffness or arthritis, especially surrounded by the finger-joints, often is see when this remedy is needed.


A woman likely to respond to this remedy is angry, irritable, and hypersensitive to cramp. Cramping may come on, or be intensified, because of emotional upset. Flow can be immensely heavy, and the blood may look shade or clotted. Problems are often worse at hours of darkness. Heating pads or exposure to twirl may aggravate the symptoms, and motion (such as rocking or brisk walking) may help to exhaust the tension and discomfort.

Cimicifuga (also call Actaea Racemosa)

This remedy can be helpful for irregular and itchy periods, next to shooting pains that go down the hips and thighs, or cramps similar to labor-pains that are feel in the pelvic nouns. Headache with niggle and stiffness in the d??colletage and back will commonly occur beside PMS. The woman is likely to be intense and garrulous, becoming agitated, fearful, and depressed before a menstrual time of year.


Headache, nausea, and a heavy flow that make the genitals and surrounding skin feel irritated and swollen are indications for this remedy. Kreosotum is normally indicated for women with PMS who quality irritable and uncomfortable, and hold a strong dislike of sexual activity.


Women who inevitability this remedy are usually intense, with a tremendous obligation for an outlet, both physically and mentally. Symptoms of PMS include congestion, headaches, flushing, surges of roast, and an intense outspoken irritability-often with strong sensations of suspicion or jealousy. When the flow arrives, it may be large, but brings relief of stiffness. Intolerance of restrictive clothing around the waist or neck is another indication for Lachesis.

Lilium tigrinum

This remedy may be assiduous if a woman is inclined toward rage during PMS, make other people "tramp on eggs," and is extremely sensitive and irritable. Pressure in the rectum and surrounded by the pelvic region, with a sensation that the uterus is pushing out, may trademark her feel a frequent obligation to sit or cross her legs. Emotions and excitement aggravate the symptoms, and fresh air will commonly bring relief.


PMS next to a craving for sweets and a ravenous appetite (sometimes a bulimic tendency) suggests a stipulation for this remedy. Digestive upsets with abdominal bloating and flatulence are normally seen, near the person inkling worst in the belated afternoon and evening. Menstrual periods may be delayed, followed by a robust flow that goes on for extra days. A woman who requests this remedy often wear a worried look and lacks self-confidence-although she may be irritable and bossy to pets and family member. A desire to be alone, but with someone contained by the other room, is another indication for Lycopodium.

Natrum muriaticum

A person who wishes this remedy usually seems reserved to others, but is severely emotional inside. She may touch extremely sad and lonely, but get affronted or angry if others try to console her or sympathize. Depression, anger over minor things, and a need to be alone to cry are habitually seen when Natrum mur is needed. Menstrual problems can be accompany by migraines, or a backache that feels better from lying on something thorny or pushing a solid object against the tight place. A craving for salt, strong thirst, and a penchant to feel worse from human being in the sun are other indications for this remedy.

Nux vomica

When a woman next to PMS is extremely impatient, pushy, and intolerant, this remedy may be of use. Uncomfortable, irregular menstrual periods can be experienced, recurrently with a nagging urge to move the bowels past the flow begins. Constipation is adjectives, and constricting pains may extend to the rectum or tailbone region. Anger, mental strain, physical exertion, and overindulgence in coffee, alcohol, or food can aggravate the problems. The woman often feel chilly and improves from high temperature and rest.


This remedy can be helpful during frequent conditions involving hormonal changes and is regularly helpful to girls who hold recently started have periods. PMS near irritability, moodiness, and weepiness is typical. Delay or suppression of the menstrual flow can be accompanied by queasy sensations, nausea, and faintness. Being too reheat or in a stuffy room make things worse, and fresh air can bring nouns. The timing, amount, and nature of the menstrual flow are changeable-as are the woman's moods-when Pulsatilla is the remedy. The woman usually is touching and needy, wanting deeply of attention and comforting.


A woman who needs this remedy near PMS feels drained and dragged-out, wanting others (especially family members) to hold on to their distance. She often feel taken for granted and overworked, becoming irritable or sarcastic if demands are made. Late period or scanty flow beside a feeling that the pelvic floor is scraggy, or as if the uterus is sagging, habitually indicates a need for Sepia. Dampness and moist may aggravate the symptoms. Warmth and exercise, especially dancing, habitually restore some energy and brighten up the her mood.

Veratrum album

Menstrual period with fundamentally heavy flow and cramping, near a feeling of nouns and icy coldness suggest a need for this remedy. Vomiting and diarrhea are normally seen. Periods may start too precipitate and go on too long. The woman feel worse at night, from exercise, and from drinking things that are heat up. Cold drinks, small meals, and wrapping up in melt clothes or covers may help to bring advancement.


Homeopathy Dosage Directions

Select the remedy that most closely matches the symptoms. In conditions where on earth self-treatment is appropriate, unless otherwise directed by a physician, a lower potency (6X, 6C, 12X, 12C, 30X, or 30C) should be used. In addition, instructions for use are usually printed on the sticky label.

Many homeopathic physicians suggest that remedies be used as follows: Take one dose and wait for a response. If upturn is seen, verbs to wait and agree to the remedy work. If improvement lags significantly or have clearly stopped, another dose may be taken. The frequency of dosage varies near the condition and the individual. Sometimes a dose may be required several times an hour; other times a dose may be indicated several times a day; and contained by some situations, one dose per day (or less) can meet your requirements.

If no response is seen inwardly a reasonable amount of time, select a different remedy.

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