Can having the flu affect your time?
Yes it can if you are very discouraging with the flu
Yes. Any virus can.
Every thing I read.. even crying,, can upset your timing.
How would you outline the soreness after having sex for the first time?
I have a very abnornal term specifically when I first got it. It would stop for a month and afterwards start back up. Now it is more ordinary but it does skip a week sometimes or show up 2 weeks early. I notice that a change contained by my eating behaviour or exercize routine has an effect on this.One sunshine i had a really unpromising cold but i still had to step to school and work. There be just things that needed to be done and i couldn' sit at home adjectives day. I am a strong believer surrounded by letting your body fight stale illnesses the natural path and i dont like taking medicnes but in attendance was no instrument i could go through the morning. So i took some Tylenol Cold Multisymptom for day and hours of darkness relief. I be on my period when i took it and it made me hold a drastically lighter period. My point is I don`t know its not the cold but the medicine your taking. Or you could be approaching me and it just change with change to your routine.
I hope i helped