Can you give me some tips coz i started my length last week and i dont really no what to do coz im just 12?

plz help me bcoz i still do not dear 2 put in the picture my perants

Can I have breast augmentation short first removing the lump in my breast?

Why not tell your mom? She go thru it too, you know.
If you really can't tell her, address to the school nurse, although I don't deduce why you can't tell at lowest possible your mother.

Why does my girlfriend have secretion after her first intercourse?

Please, transmit them. Its been occurring to your mom for years. It's normal.

Do estrogen birth control methods aid or hurt PCOS?

ask your mom~!!

Tampon Question?

Tell your mom/gaurdian, she'll help you!! If not enlighten a teacher or friend.

Could I Be Pregnant?

Little miss, be in motion and tell your mum and she will help out you all the method.

If you can't talk to your mum consequently find a friends mum, aunty or someone you trust and that will help you better than anyone on here can.

How do I find my G spot?

ur parents will be supportive so i douwlnt worry1 start on towel somtimke resembling Alwyassanitry towels put them in ut knickers every tiem u r on! its bes tot describe them cos ur parents will buy the thing su want and understand any mood swings you may acquire! and congratulations on getting to the stage in ur life of person a grown woman!

Gurlz only~~~~~~~pleaz?

You really need to speak to your mum. She`s the just one who can help you. Be brave.

Please answer me if you can!?

first, relate your mom. its something important and your mom should know more or less it. second, make sure you enjoy pads, ask your mom. dont verbs, you'll be fine. i got mine at 12 too.

What if I enjoy sex 48 hours before my pap smear?

Whats wrong next to telling your mom, you should be capable of talk to your mom. Your mom will know how to get you the compulsory things that you need in a minute.
A lot of girls start there period early today, your body is changing into becoming a woman.

Please lend a hand me..please :(?

dig into your piggy bank and be in motion to the nearest store and buy some pads/tampons, they have cool instructions beside pictures.

Whats wrong? Under my eye, the vain is pumping hard and I can be aware of it ,?

well i think you should speak about your mom, leave her for a time note if u are really that embarrased plus it will confer your mom a chance to be set to give you a flawless explaination. i grew up with my dad and have to tell him. i be kind of excited tho lol i reflect he was more nervy then i be. plus you want your mom to go buy the pad, instead of you having to bring back them.

I've been irregular since I've started?

O bless you, inform your Mum, it is the most natural article in the word for a woman,/girl. your Mum will know what to do, . you buy some sanitary towels, put one on after change it when you get the impression you need to , couple a morning, you can buy night ones too, if you suffer near period cramp, see your dr, she/ he will give you something for it, or nick paracetamol.

What if your period go off n u hold sex but afterwards it comes right back on what does that penny-pinching?

First of all you involve to tell your parents, or at least possible your mom... having your term is nothing to be red about and your mom will know exactly what to do because shes a woman and adjectives women have their period once a month. There isn't really much that you need to know.. you hold the choice between using pads or tampons, but since you merely started out I think pad are better, but once you get used to your cycle and you hold permission from your mom, tampons are more comfortable... if you get hold of cramps take any ibuprofen to relieve the backache, as well as lying down next to a heating wipe pressed to your stomach... other than that, vary your pads regularly and hold on to yourself clean down at hand to avoid any infections... Tell you mom!
Good Luck =]

Which should I use.?

Tell your mum, she'll be relieved that you are growing into a beautiful woman. She will assistance you. Don't worry we adjectives felt rather like that at some point.

What is a short time blue pill?

tell your mum and she will be glad you have confided surrounded by her. Dont worry, 12 is a typical age to begin period, so dont panic and dont stir through it yourself.
Go now and relate your mum, you will be glad when you do.
take thought sweetie. XXX

Missed peroid 3 months. not ovulating can I get preg?

lucky i get mine @ 10

Is it true that being "underweight" can be paid your periods stop?

yoy own to tell your parents.they won't take out you...just appropriate your mum aside and tel her on your own..she won't care.everybody have to start at some point. i didn't tell my mum the first time i have one but she found out anyway and she was cross beside me fro not telling her but she still contained why i didn't...and she was a great relieve to me when she did know.

but if you really can't tel them then run the local chemist and buy som sanitary probably won't want to try tampons just immediately. they are quite cheap. you will probably want some daytime ones near wings so they stay within your pants better and toy mite even want to buy some ones for at darkness time which are longer so you don't make a mes bcause you re lying down. you will involve to buy some bags to put them. if you are not sure roughly speaking them read all the instructions since you use them. you will need to transform a pad every 4 hours because they start to smell so put one contained by your bag for college.

most of all don't be happens to everyone at some are finally becoming a woman!! you can still do everything you could since you mite just own to be a little more meticulous with undisputed things!! good luck and email me if you want anything else!!

When should a woman own sex? should it be before or after or spell??

listen to the_informer you need to bargain to someone, it's as natural as breathing

YuckOh great,here we step..?

Its a very unconscious thing to come up to your body, and there isnt anyone can do, sadly us girls have to live near it for 1 week a month till we hit our 50's.
You should tell your mum, she'll know how to help you agree on on towels and tampons etc.. and if theres anything thats worrying you.
Dont listen to your friends, they know nothing! your mother will be a woman of expierience and if anything, its a really suitable way to bond.
She probably can convey anyway, hormones go cracked, and good ol' PMT kick in.
When I started, I said to my mum "so in a minute i'm old adequate to go out beside boys"
She said "YOU STAY AWAY FROM BOYS NOW" and I did!! lol !

Is this normal? (feminine question)?

Dont verbs i was surrounded by your shoes when i was 14 newly tell your mam and she will buy you anything you need to recover you the embarrassment,honestly its not as doomed to failure as youd expect you can relax when you know how normal it is that she know as shes gone threw it for so many years :)

I enjoy recently finished my menstrual cycle and hold noticed an shadowy brown discharge and a odor. what is it?

Don't where lantern colors and always hold back up panties ,and pad/tampons,and bring a jackect next to you to school purely in baggage you go through.Think in the order of telling you mom.And hold a shower every night otherwise you will stink.

Help in girls puberty?

Why dont you want to make clear to your parents? 12 is usually the age when most girls start their periods so dont panic! If there is some explanation thats really important to you why you dont want to narrate your parents yet, afterwards just buy some sanitary pad and put them in plastic oodles when they're dirty and dispose of them! You will have your period every 21 days by the way. And draw from yourself some paracetemols for the stomach cramps. But you have to know that by 13 or 14 they're gonna ask why you have'nt started even so, So think conscientiously about this. Good luck! x

How can orgasm problems within men be treated? How can you increase the male sex drive?

You shouldn't be afraid to make clear to anyone, its not like a sickness or something.
You should maintain yourself clean at the time of your period, avoid bath tubs and pools. You can use special cleanser handkerchief and then a wad.
Change your pad constantly and keep hold of your hands verbs before and after going to toilet and while varying the pad.

Good luck!

Please back?

Tell your mum at least. You maynot be enjoy it but it is a big mild stone in your energy and your parents will be thrilled to know you are healthy. Presume you are ok to buy sanitary towels or tampax and to use them. For misery use usual tablets like panadol if called for and hot water bottle on your tummy can aid. Wear dark clothes surrounded by case of leak. It varies from soul to person. You may go and get one lasting from 3-8 days. May be table lamp or heavy and it will conveyance many times throughout your energy. Good luck.

Virginity question?

Hi, If you really surface you cant tell your mum hold you got another clan member (aunty, elder cousin) or a female conservatory teacher you could speak to? If you attend a youth club one of the youth workers will assist you.

When i started (a long time ago) it took me along time to tell my mum cos i feel ashamed, its natural and she will necessitate to know at some piont cos you will need her to buy towels ect for you, my mum didnt counter how i thought she would, she was amazing.

obedient luck

When will i have my spell? read more details below?

Oh sweetie you must be feeling really alone right immediately. Why can't you tell your mother? You haven't done anything wrong or to be ashamed of. She's a woman too and will know how to tell you what to do and serve you get what you want. I have 2 daughters and lone one has her time so far but I'm expecting my other daughter to start soon. I would be so upset if they couldn't talk to me give or take a few their periods and I couldn't assistance them, I'll bet your mother would feel this course too. if you're feeling feeling shame, try writing a little reminder and pot it in her pocket and stride away to your room, i bet she'll follow you up and give you a hug up to that time talking nouns like buying you pad etc. Also you'll feel for a while emotional when you own your period as the hormones mess you around so your mother will entail to be aware of why you're acting different, she will be able to distribute you painkillers if you have anguish and help near all that. Also i don't know almost you but every girl and woman i know get a craving for chocolate when they own their period and who better to seize you some than your mother? I know I love sitting in front of the tv beside my daughter stuffing our faces when she's thought a little sorry for herself. I hope you can walk speak to her. Good luck x

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