I own recently finished my menstrual cycle and hold noticed an cloudy brown discharge and a odor. what is it?

I have doushed and some of the brown be in the toliet after but it have been 5 days and it is still a touch with an odor. I am 30 also. I know it is not a yeast infection. It is a odor I enjoy never known my body to hold and I am really starting to freaking out.

Healthy weight?

You're fine...it's in recent times old blood

I have my period contained by March and now its June did i really start my extent?

Douche is not good for you. It's probably the terminate of your period. I capture that sometimes.

I am a girl. 20. how to make my first time smooth?

were a pant liner it may be merely a bit of blood

When should i get my term after a miscarriage?

Nothing to worry almost, it is common, especially as you gain older.
Skip the douche and use yogurt for disinfecting, and neutralize the smell.

Menstrual cup?

its just behind the times blood it will go away old-fashioned blood comes out after the ending of your interval

I have have a horrible week mum in hospital thought I be going to lose her so need cheering up get suggestions

it is the tail end of the time and sometimes it all doesn't come out and you find it as well, at the start of the subsequent period=nothing to worry give or take a few

Period came after 2 weeks of waiting?

It could be you own an infection. Dark brown discharge is normally ancient blood but it doesn't have an odor. It could be that you own a uterine infection which can be a side effect from doushing. I would make an appointment beside your doctor.

Why do I crave food so much when I'm getting ready to start and when I'm on my interval?

Abnormal bleeding (between periods) and odor are both signs of infection. Especially if accompanied by any sort of abdominal aching (like if you still feel crampy or tender)

Could simply be bacterial, could be something worse. Could be that your hormones are simply switching things up on you & extending your interval, but that doesn't explain the odor.

I would schedule an exam pronto!

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