I've be irregular since I've started?

my period. I work our for 4-6hrs a daylight, 6 days a week. (Professional Tennis) and I was wondering

AM I irregualr because I work out too much?

Polycystic ovary syndrome.?

Over the recent past several years I have done extensive studies in connection with the effect of hard-core sports on the developing female body. Doctors will from time to time tell their patients that contained by order for the womanly body to adjust to the demands placed on it by long time participation surrounded by sports, her body must produce an over abundance of; or more than typical amounts of testosterone. The result is a more male close to body (i.e. more muscular, broader, less feminine in stature.) which can and habitually does result in skipped or nonexistent menstrual cycles, difficulty within conceiving etc. I would strongly suggest that you have your physician oral exam you to determine what your level of testosterone is.

What decide if a period is going to be large or light?

It's most possible a hormone imbalance. Go to your doctor...preferably a gynecologist...request low dose birth control pills. These will relieve regulate your periods

For the girls, Something is wrong next to me?

extensive excercise can stop some womens periods altogether ( amorrea) so that may be the motivation.
its probably best to go and see your doc.

Women menstrating?

I hold heard of this formerly, to be sure check with your doctor...or do a google turn upside down on menstruation and excercise

Is there any point in me taking The Pill at the moment?

Sweetie, every woman is different. Some are as regular as clockwork some aren't. Some enjoy heavy ones, some buoyant. Some goes on for over a week some for a few days.
You're typical, that's your body rhythm, accept it.

Have ever stir the bathroom and seat be left up by your bf or spouse?

It can be because of you work out a great deal. However you should talk to a physician concerning your question. It could be something else that you don't necessarily know just about.

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