I feel tense about usin the pill my bf think i should go on it cuz he doesnt approaching usin condoms?

what should i look for in bc pills and what are like the side effects n stuff

I ahve n odor problem please abet?

I hate guys approaching that.

I'm SURE his dick isn't that big that condoms 'hurt' him, and any guy who tells you i.e. full of crap!!

You don't seem approaching you want to take the pill, so you should relate him you don't 'feel' similar to it, just similar to he tells you!!

And deeply the side-effects are similar to those of pregnancy...nausea, weight-gain, etc. Although they don't happen within everyone.

Don't get on the pill in recent times because he thinks you 'should'

Stand up for yourself!!

I preserve getting these really bad come first akes. . .?

there are lots of bc out there...i use velivet...I love it...but the side effects are different from person to party...you should consult a doctor to see which bc pill is better for you...

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There are lots of side effects but you really involve to talk to your doctor in the region of which one is best for you.

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Tell your boyfriend he is the one who needs to wear condoms. Taking the pill to please him is not out of danger for you. If he loves you he will.

Can u help me?

He should still use a condom, for extra protection, but the side effects are planned on the instructions that come with the pill, and they can include mood swings, nasea, headache, etc. but in most cases they don't.

I basically seem to conjecture about it 24/7. How can a woman be so disengaged. I won't involve Viagra anyways.?

if he insists that you use the pill then you insist he uses the condom as capably for double protection=you can ask your Dr as that's the only channel you are going to get them is through him

Period quiz?

tell ur bf to * off! hes not the one thats gonna enjoy the heart attack

I'm feeling depressed, can you relief?

Honey you need to use both! The incidence of sexually transmitted disease in youthful people is extremely elevated, protect yourself from getting pregnant AND from STD's.
Unless you know for sure that you are both HIV negative, and are both prepared to be monogamous, you should use both condoms and birth control.
Your doctor is sworn to inscrutability, (if you're over 16) so ask her/him what is best for you in regard to the pill. You want fairly low estrogen pills. Make sure to embezzle them exactly when and the way you are supposed to for premium protection.
Otherwise... hey girl, enjoy fun, and always be not dangerous!

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Please keep within mind that pills are not 100% effective. in attendance is diseases to mention that can also come up. Do not take any likelihood make him wear the glove.

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First of all, I make out the anxiety and nervousness in the region of the pill. There are several varieties of birth control pills available, but merely your doctor can judge what pill may or may not be right for you given your sexual history, people medical history, etc. EVERY medication that a person take has side effects, some can be polite, some unnoticeable, and others yet can be discouraging for you.

I am a little bit disturbed though almost the reasoning for wanting the pill in the first place because from what you posted, it's because your boyfriend doesn't like condoms?! Okay, permit's face it, even if you be on birth control pills, a condom should still be used because those little pills only prootect against pregnancy - not adjectives of the smorgasboard of infections/diseases that are transmitted through sexual contact. And, as far as doing this to please him - NO WAY! If YOU wanna be on the pill, then alright, but doing something approaching this to please someone else, is foolish. It makes it give the impression of being like you're gonna other be givin in to his wants and this is your body - YOU be the one to desire, don't let his lieks/dislikes affect a finding that can unltimately affect your entire life! Best of luck!

How to catch your boobs to grow into a cup 32A?

do something only if your comfortable beside it. if your not then dont use them,

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