I'd approaching to know why some women say to loaf until marriage for sex?or why they regret sex near a ex?

i'm still a virgin and all but im not too serious when it comes to sex.My olden boyfriends were merely not all almost sex so i've never been really surrounded by that situation except once.But i'd like too know why some women guess sex is special because im still a virgin and i dont want to have sex afterwards later find out i made the biggest mistake of my duration like some women utter.So why do some of you think sex is special isnt it simply stimulation?I know some answers are STDS but other answers if you can please?

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You know I have the same thoughts... I wait until I thought I found the "right" guy who I trusted and really cared nearly. We went ahead and did the work and I regret it now. It be one of those situations where the guy said doesn`t matter what he had to surrounded by order to get hold of in my pant. It really makes it thorny to accept that I trusted him satisfactory to get that close. It doesn't surface to everyone that way and some relations don't have like feelings around the experience that I do. I really believed that it was a moment ago a physical act and wasn't that big a agreement. I've changed my mind. I wish very soon that I had wait until I was any engaged or married. It's purely hard to report sometimes who is genuine and who is not. It's adjectives about judgement. I would articulate wait... but that's my belief! Good Luck!

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somebody else's hearts

Any advice on a getting more intensed sexual drive?

Because virginity is something you solitary get once. You can't really procure it back once you lose it.

A lot of women, me included, hold figured that virginity is worth losing once and to your husband, not to some guy you thought you be in love next to at the time.

Beyond STDs or Pregnancy, it's the fact that once you include sex in a relationship, the relationship is no longer going to be base of an emotional nouns. My husband and I had fun lacking having sex, and we enjoy one of the healthiest relationships out there.

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I don't know what the big deal is, I imply really, what is the big deal.

I basically know that God says no, and he have his reasons for it. So I guess he must know what he's doing when he say no.

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I was not a virgin at 17, my first time beside the guy and my last. Didn't close-fisted anything, just did it because I considered necessary to know what everyone thought was so special. Without the right party it is just SEX, beside the right person it is MAKEING LOVE and GREAT!

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woman come across to hold in this special moment because it have been proven that when it comes to sex females see it surrounded by an emotional point of attitude and guys see it as a logical way ----woman start to consistency all appropriate about their lover but guys a short time ago think of it as "WAM!! BAM!! thank you MAM!!"

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I'm matured fashioned and I think it is great for both man and woman to be virgins when they marry
I know that isn't todays path for a lot of folks ,but I think it is great=I newly gave MY view on it is all

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Its more than a moment ago stimulation to me. Its about emotion very comfortable next to someone and feeling special. Its going on for being one beside another - as one.
I can't imagine self with any one save for my husband whom I love very much and have a feeling very comfortable near. I only want to be near him and glad we have never shared ourselves beside anyone else.

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I agree near "you only loose it once" but I estimate if your in a serious relationship (yrs not months) and you really get the impression your ready afterwards it's up to you. I was next to one person since I married and we were together adjectives through highschool I suppose at the time I had thought we'd be together forever so it be fine. I don't regreat it because I was equipped and we did love each other at the time.
I enjoy friends who've been beside more people and seem to be fine with it immediately but a few regreat it and wish they have waited. If your really religious you may struggle near the decision but it's your go. Just don't give it away.

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STDs, pregnancy, and possible heartbreak are just three of the several reasons why I am still a virgin and will be until marrige.

You can simply give your virginity once.. and when you do you can't give somebody a lift it back. No wrong to the guys out there, but thier are so various penis heads a moment ago trying to get into your pant. You need to brand sure the guy you give this special endowment to is totally commited and loves you with everything in his self.

No ringy= no dingy!

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