If you are a woman, how much would you own to be paid for you to be shaved lacking hair?


Does taking motrin shorten or lengthen your period?

2 million +
why? u wanna pay me to? that amount and i will!

If the breasts are really big do the nipples still point upward/forward?Or is surgery needed?


Puburty Problems!! Help! Is it all right for a fourteen year antediluvian to not have started her length yet?

2 billion dollars

If u hold cancer can the doc tell near the blood test they do while pregnant?

a million dollars, i love my spine and i would never shave it for anything less

What happen when two individuals who are faithful to respectively other have sex lacking condoms sometimes?

A lot of money!

Why am I wearing a B cup?

britany spears is this you

What are the main side effects of depo provera (Birth control)?

nothing in thew world would sort me shave my head i've be wishing since i be a child to have tresses this long.

Will drinking alcohol or doing drugs alter the effect of the morning after pill?

I am a woman. That depends on my age, of course, and whether or not I can still work next to a shaved head. But since I am a student, I'd voice $10,000 would be the smallest sum I'd consider, because I could really use the money, and hair grows put money on.

Ladies, personal question?

We are discussion about the cranium,right?

Im 22 years old and lossing my curls what can i do to stop it?

all of the money in the world

Diaherra problems..can anyone assist?

you should'nt get salaried at all what you should do is collect the bets and donate them to cancer or some other charity.

How can I brand name a tv ad of herbal madicines for woman's gynic problems?

If it be enough to buy a house for me and my relations I'd shave away. It would be regrown in no time. Easy proceeds I'd say. Why are you offering? xx

Please sustain me! I am so worried?

if it was for a correct cause or a chairty after i think i'd do it to lift up the money needed ( i'd feel guilty otherwise).but to be rewarded..at least lb2,000

Hygenie Issue?

Like someone said previously...you tight-fisted the head, right?
in good health whatever you stingy...
i wouldn't want money to be shaved bold, I'd do it for a laugh

Has anyone have a problem with Ortho Tri-Cyclen?

head or fanny


50 pence its a right bloody mess from one out in the precipitation shopping and id release some money by not needing to be in motion to the hairdressers.

Im 19 and am having not so mundane periods?

Well, If somebody can be save from a fatal sickness similar to for ex. a good husband or wife next to kids, I will not have any qualm to be shaved bald.

Just out of curiosity i needed to ask?

lb500,000.04 should do it. And yes, the 4p would be important =P
I can't purely sit back and keep under surveillance while there are relations out there going through what I go through two years ago and I think that would newly about cover some sort of awareness project piece.

Question for women only please.(period)?


Girls just please?

it just depends. If I be doing it for a fund-raiser, I would do it for a lower amount if that's what it took. But just for me, conceivably $100,000.

(( girls only)) When did u get ur interval? <<survey for my womens health class>>?

If nearby were no wig available...i wouldn't do it for any amount of money..but since we do have wig i would do it for $10,000 and no less

Discharge from vagina?

lb200,000 would do me you could still but a periwig and i'd be able to money off my house

Very sweet period, excluded to use tampons, dont think my pad can take it, what do i do?

If you have a life, would you pose this request for information?

Swimming without tampons?

Enough to reward my bills and the promise that the hair will budge to locks of love or some other organization =0)

And if this is for another region, next it's already done.

About Sex !?

Well if it is for charity i really wouldn't mind shaving it for free. I mean, It isn't embarrasing to show everybody what you've done for the world right?

Is the Gardasil vaccine protected ?

No amount of money would make me shave my leader bald!!

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