Puburty Problems!! Help! Is it all right for a fourteen year old to not hold started her period but?

Is it all right for a fourteen year behind the times to not have started her interval yet? All my friends started a LONG time ago! I do play soccer NON-stop, dose that hold something to do with it? I'm kinda woried!


oh i SO know how you be aware of! i just started mine febuary 4th! and i'm 14! i thought i would NEVER come. ego didn't want it to but i did. ya know? and i'm still in shock it did transpire! i am still kinda woried about when it's going to come this month. lone my 2 one! scary! ably be ready for when it does come! buy some pad to start out with basically so you have them on appendage when you need them! that will squirrel away you life! do you hold dischrge yet? the whiteish clear goopey stuff on you lower than wear? if you do you should be starting in a little while. 6th months to a year when you bring back that. if you are really worried ask your mom or a woman you can really trust in your energy. don't worry it should come soon. and when you do go and get it you will wish you didn't! lol. of late keep waiting and be perpared! and shift to or go to they have a cooperation to the other site. is the BEST web site! it tell you EVERYTHING you should know about it! and it kinda make! (kinda) lol .i don't think period could ever be fun! lol. just skulk get some pad to have on paw and go to to know more~ obedient luck girl!

Does birth control really work? i mean isn't 90% important?

Yes, it is perfectly middle-of-the-road to not have started your period yet. Doing closely of sports sometimes holds off your period. If you are that worried about it, any ask your pediatrician or an OB/GYN; they can assure you that it is normal.

Ugg!!!why do u hold to change tampons!!?

dont be worried its middle-of-the-road i heard that athletic ancestors usually start later

I own had it near her! Can you dump someone when they are in hospital?

Yeah faultlessly normal. I started the summer of 9th order, during Volleyball tryouts, and because I didnt know the proper way to maintain myself while working out/running, I was more worried roughly that than the tryouts and didnt make the troop! I was so upset! Nice time to start!!!!

What is the best piece to consume to increase energy to its maximum?

yes it is without fault ok! i peronally started in 5th class but one of my best friends didnt start till her junior year in illustrious school! everyone is different!

Will I Start My Period Soon?(Please Girls Only!)?

I didn't start until I be 14 1/2. I thought there be something wrong with me too. Don't verbs. Sports will make your period different. After 22 years of having it, it's really nil you want---trust me!!

How do i w if my hymen is broken or not yet ..? i am still a virgin?

Yes, it's without fault normal not hold started menstruating yet.
I have a friend, who was 15th when she started. I would speech to you female relatives (mom, sister or aunt), this would donate you a better idea when you might commence. :)
However some women atheltes don't bleed when they don't have deeply of body fat. I'm not sure if, this is true for you.

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