UTI after sex (4 days ago)?

I had sex 4 days ago, (with my boyfriend and tolerate's say it be rough and there be many rounds and I remember I be soring) and now, (it have been 2 days - since yesterday morning), I expect I have UTI. Well, I am not sure, because whenever I pee, it hurts (I go and get this burning sensation) and the feeling is somewhat funny - similar to tickling your urethra and painful at one and the same time.

My auntie told me I should check how my urine looks like. But I am not sure, I receive caught up next to the pain I other feel whenever I pee, so I couldn't appropriate time to look at it. By the way, the distress I feel is whenever my urine stops.

Is this really symptoms of UTI? And does this connote, I have UTI forever? And it will keep hold of coming back?

I am simply 17 by the way. My boyfriend is already 18.

I havent have my period since parade!?!?!?!?!?

It sounds like you do enjoy a UTI. I've gotten them from normal sex. if you pee surrounded by a cup it will look cloudy. Antibiotics like macrobid, amoxicillin, cipro or bactrim work but should be prescribed because a culture will put in the picture them which to use. The over the counter remedies (Csytex is good) work too. You must drink a ton of water surrounded by any case--start now! Unsweetened cranberry liquid, purple grape juice, parsley and vitamin C also barney the bacteria. Herbs to use are Uva Ursi and Yarrow. Your healthfood store can guide you. If you with the sole purpose take antibiotics it have a good kismet of coming back, so do the other stuff no concern how you choose to treat it. And don't wait too long if it get worse, it can become a kidney infection and land you surrounded by the hospital. I know they are miserable, get capably soon!

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if not that, then I don`t know a STD. go to the ER asap!

For WOMAN/GIRLS ONLY who won't negotiator harshly and won't bring grossed out?

you should have a check-up beside your gynecologist and tell her your symptoms..

some symptoms of UTI are individual seen thorough a microscope.. your urine may hold Red blood cells and pus..

consult please

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It sounds close to you have a classic armour of UTI. If it is really bad, you are going to stipulation antibiotics, bit if it just started, Cranberry liquid works great to help restore the ph be a foil for. It is also recommended by my Dr. (I just get a prescription for this exact thing) to drink a glass of cranberry liquid everyday to prevent UTI from ever happening. And, similar to he also said, drinking alot of water is crucial to avoid UTI and other problems. You can also procure cranberry capsules if you dont similar to drinking it. Hope I have help!! Good luck!

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sounds like a UTI to me! do you own a feeling of have to pee a LOT? all you requirement to do is go to the doctor and they will furnish you antibiotics to get rid of it surrounded by a few days. go briskly tho, as UTI's worsen day by morning and could spread to cause a kidney infection. stay away from soda and other things next to a lot of sugar surrounded by them. the bacteria from a UTI love sugar! from presently on, always be in motion to the bathroom and pee after sex bc the bacteria from have intercourse (and etc...) can cause the UTI... as okay as having to pee during sex! only just be careful... and angelic luck!

Ladies help! is this usual or what?

It is not uncommon to gain a UTI after prolonged sex. It is best to urinate after sex and before sex if you can to support clear away any bacteria that may be here to help keep hold of from getting one from sex. It does not mean you will hold a UTI forever. Go to the doctor and you will be given an antibiotic and it will go away. There is other a possibility of getting one again but not necessarily mean you will. As a woman though it is outstandingly likely you will own more UTIs in your lifetime.

Why does sex surface better with a couple of drinks beforehand?

Yes, those are classic symptoms of a UTI, but they can also be symptoms of an STD. Regardless, you should see a doctor for a diagnosis. DO NOT rebuff a UTI, it can proceed to a bladder or even a kidney infection. You don't have a UTI forever, it's an infection similar to when a cut gets infected. Your doctor will run a urine tryout to see if you need antibiotics.

Drinking cranberry liquid and a lot of dampen is a good preventative for UTI's. It's also a apposite idea to pee after you enjoy sex. Women have outstandingly short urethras, and it is very natural for bacteria to enter them during sex. Peeing shortly after you own sex tends to flush out the microbes.

Relationship? Only LADIES?

I agree with Mary the Midwife 100%... I treat homeless women and this is a somewhat common phenomenon...

Couple extra points... to help prevent UTI contained by the future...

* Take showers not baths. This help flush bugs away from the urethral opening.
* Urinate right after sex, especially the rougher sort. This help flush away bugs as well.
* Drink plenty of marine every day (and some cranberry liquid as well) to help flush the kidneys, bladder, and urethra of unwanted passenger.
* The longer you go minus treatment, the more established the infection gets. Last year my mother refuse to go within, and it wound up taking 6 months and three different antibiotics to get her fixed...
* You don't seize UTI forever, BUT be aware that women who get one tend to go and get more over time. This reflects that some women are simply more vulnerable than others. Each popularity is a separate infection (unless you're my mother and let one horrible one get dug within deep)... This makes the preventive measures more defining for you than for some others...
Ed, RN

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