I want to "play" beside my boyfriend...?

but the problem is... i'm kind of panicky that i might get pregnant.. i dont approaching him to use a rubber.. is there other ways of protection aside from using rubber and bill...

please do help me... i scantily need ur help/advice..^_^

I m 22yrs hv irregular period..does taking of birth control pills help? what r the side effects?

There are other types of birth control.
But remember none of them is 100% guaranteed.
Just nick a look at the following link:

Strictly called for?, for professionals only please?

Hmmm pills

Period date?

birth control in any form that you want

Girls Only Please!?

Just dawdle until you are married. You will be proud of yourself and never be sorry.

Are my boobs too big?

birth control pills. but im not so sure you can count on those 100%

Please answer ladies?

Withdrawl doesn't work, anytime the penis is inside your vagina if here is an pre-ejaculate you can still get pregnant. You should try the pill/patch/shots but realize that none of those will prevent STDs. Condoms manly or female really are the safest to use for protection against STDs and pregnancy. Nothing is 100% powerful!

Is there anyone who have their anxiety under control..approaching not having any for a long time..?

Personally i regard as if your not ready to possibly enjoy children you shouldn't play cause let be honest the only undamaging sex in NO SEX. Nothing on the souk is 100%. So don't risk it if you can't live with possible bigger consequences.

What is majority labia size?

i take it you are asking nearly if there are othere forms of contraception and yes there nouns arange of different ones such as.
The pill- taken daily prevents pregnancy as ably as has other benefits. The oill would probably be the best for you... you cant get hold of pregnant if you follow the instructions but you should consult your doctor before taking it. And newly so you know it may prevent pregnancy but it doesnt protect you from sexually transmited diseases.

Birth control?

I know of a natural method that will work. You hold to do everything exact, and you should practice it for atleast 3 cycles before you dance "unprotected". If you aren't serious about going pure, then I suggest pills. Here is the pattern site for more info...

Bump on my labia?

You sound too stupid to own sex. If you do, please take birth control pills every year for at least 2 weeks prior to have intercourse. Continue taking them once daily forever... we do not entail you to breed!!


Use a rubber or don't have sex unless you want to procure pregnant. Withdrawal does not work - many women gain pregnant that way.

You can also use the pill, but use a rubber as okay to protect from STDs because nobody is safe. Guys recline.

If your boyfriend comes real express during sex does that mean he have had sex right formerly having sex next to you?

sex isn't right for you at this time , read the bible the book of 2nd timothy chapter 2 verse 22.
you are precious dont squander your gift from God,
God made you wonderfully,and have alot of good things in store for you.
Why hurry?

I necessitate some help next to my body!!?

Go to your local clinic [Planned Parenthood or someting] and you can get the birth control pill in attendance. or if you feel comfortable describing your mom, have her diary you an
ob/gyn appt. and you can also get them here and you will get an exam to check for std's and other things. if you don't want to rob the pill there are also other forms of contraception, such as the patch, the shot, and the ring. you can ask the doctor at the clinic almost them all or your obgyn if you walk. the only item that prevent STD's are condoms though. 'Pulling out' isn't good - my best friend get pregnant that way.

and those need to stop relating you to wait untill you're married or read the bible, you're going to do what you want and not listen to nation on womenanswers.orgs convincing you not to have sex.
Good luck =]
[the connection has adjectives the info on a clinic near you and going on for the different types of contraception]

Flashbacks Won't Go Away?

if you want to "play" with him afterwards you can, just don't own sex. there's other stuff you can do short the risk of getting pregnant. but the smartest choice is just to not do it at adjectives.

Ladies who have have bariatric weight loss surgery, please give support to, i need to know..?

What you should try to do is send for the doctor and get on some birth control it will brand name your sex life better and you will grain safer.Im there already i am through it because i be like you but if this does occur and you get on the pill dont forget to bear it make sure you rob it at the same time everyday and you dont miss it! virtuous luck

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