Girls Only Please!?

Okay, I haven't gotten my period however, or so I think... When I 'wipped" I saw somewhat bit of blod on the toilet paper and so I can't really speak about... In fact my va-jay-jay did hurt somewhat, so I can't tell if it's freshly a cut or my actual period! HELP PLEASE!

I own been on my interval for a whole month? i only started the DEPO-shot 3 months ago and ever since then m

You could be starting, however, your "va-jay-jay" should not be hurting. Any niggle you experience should be in your tummy. You could have some sort of cut or a cyst which is rather common.

Should i verbs that "down there" is itchy and red?

sounds exactly like when i get mine for the first time welcome to womanhood

Do Diet Pills really work (if combined near exercise & diet)do they "help" losing more weight?

If it burns when you pee next you could have a urinary tract infection. if you hold some pain surrounded by your lower belly or if the blood is dark brown consequently its its probably your period.

reach a deal to your mom

A deformed female urethera?

wear a pay-ay-add! and see if thay help, and if there is more.

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