Bump on my labia?

tonight i found that i have a small bump on my labia majora. i hold been reading departed answers and people own said it could be an ingrown hair but i dont shave. ive also read that it could be a cyst. what would be the exact of this cyst. i take deeply good keeping of my parts and i have no perception how it happened. and its freaking me out. im afraid that it is something desperate. its too early to move about to the doc. and i am a student without the funds to stir to my gyno.

i know that it is not an STD because my bofriend and i have individual been beside each other.

it does hurt for a while. it feels more similar to a bruise. it is small and round right on the hair splash on my labia.

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sometimes women can develop stress bumps on their labia. its not singular for it NOT to be serious and go away on its own. however it could be serious, but afford it about a week and see if it go down/away. your body could be reacting to a chemical lack of correspondence and formed a bump. again, its not uncommon. if you hold been stressing lately (like for a testing or an argument) it could have resulted from that. i say aloud wait a week and if its still here, or not gone down any, you may want to go to a free clinic if funds are low.

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You will own to see the doctor to rule out genital herpes and bacterial infection, which can come from non-sex related sources. He will also test you for STDs as a routine precaution. Please acquire it checked to rule out anything serious and put your mind at rest.

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This could be a stress bump, and it may indeed stir away after an easy week terminate, but it sounds like an inflames fatty tissue, of which, believe it or not, your labia is in ample supply of...
It may be set to that you will have to ask a doctor to "lance" it, (cut it open) contained by a week or two when it becomes uncomfortably stinging.
In the mean time, don't mess beside it.

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U must progress to doc if it persists beyond the subsequent period.

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